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UMass Boston's independent student newspaper

The Mass Media

UMass Boston's independent student newspaper

The Mass Media

UMass Boston's independent student newspaper

The Mass Media

Ask the Arts Editor

Looking for some advice? Want to have it answered by your peers? Reach out to our Arts Editor for the possibility to have it answered and featured in the newspaper!

Advice with the Arts Editor

If you don't want to use your own name, you can also use a pseudonym! Many advice columns of this sort use pseudonyms related to the request, so a roommate request would have a pseudonym like "Disgruntled Wall Neighbor," for example. We only use the name to check if you're a UMass Boston student/staff member, and will not share it if you do not want us to.
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Giving background to your situation and then posing a question for the Arts Editor can be helpful! It doesn't need to be overly detailed, just explain why you're writing in today.
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