Our President Arrested

By Ben Whelan

President of the Undergraduate Student Government Terral Ainooson was arrested in his home on Veterans Day by members of the Boston Police Department and charged with possession of a class D substance with intent to distribute, according to police documents.

According to published reports, members of the BPD’s Drug Control Unit (DCU) executed a search warrant at the Sudan street residence at approximately 6:20 PM on Veteran’s Day after receiving complaints that the location was being used to distribute narcotics. After identifying themselves to the occupants, who were later determined to be Ainooson and former UMass Boston baseball player Ryan Oshima, police entered the residence through the front door and subsequently conducted a search of the premises that led to the recovery of a number of plastic bags containing marijuana. Police also recovered numerous items of paraphernalia used in the possible distribution of drugs, including a number of small plastic baggies, a grinder, and a scale of the type often used to measure narcotics.

A source with the Boston Police Department revealed that both suspects have been arraigned on the charges, although it is unclear when and whether a court date has been set as of time of press.

Ainooson was elected to the undergraduate student senate in the Fall of 2009 and it is currently unclear how these events will affect his status in the student government, at least until the termination of the criminal proceedings.

With information about this story still coming in, please be sure to check www.umassmedia.com for further updates and information.