Senate Notes
February 5, 2002
The spring semester’s first meeting of the UMass Student Senate took place at 2:30 PM on Wednesday January 30 in the Wheatley Lounge on the 4th floor.
The first item discussed was a proposal that the Senate pre-purchase $800 worth of advertising in The Mass Media. That advertising space can be used to inform readers of on-campus centers and clubs. A small discussion around this topic occurred, and the motion was passed. The advertising will be available to student groups who request use of the space and the hope is that this prepaid advertising will help to increase attendance of these events.
The second item put forth was a request by the Haitian American Society for extra funding for an event the HAS wishes to hold. The event will be a celebration of diversity and culture at UMB and will take place in two parts. The first part will take place at the campus and the second will take place at Prince Hall, an off-campus establishment. The event will take place on March 30, 2002. The senators did some number crunching against the financial breakdown provided by the HAS and passed the motion. The senate awarded the HAS $4,531.97 for the event.
Heather Dawood, the senate president, announced that the order for the investment club’s computer had finally gone through. Casa Latina found alternate arrangements for their computer needs. It was announced that club activation packets are available in the Student Life Office for all those who desire them.
During the Open Forum portion of the meeting, it was announced that Professor Looney would be an observer of the senate proceedings from now on and would provide his opinion and assistance when and if it was needed and requested. Also, one of the senators requested to be moved from his seat on the College of Management to a seat on the College of Arts & Sciences portion of the senate because he switched degree programs. Dean Janey was present and introduced the new Assistant Dean Alison Lopes. Lopes spoke to the senate briefly and mentioned her position of student government advisor at two other institutions. She offered her assistance in further developing the student government here at UMB and announced her open-door policy. “If the door is open you can come on in,” she said.