Letter from the Editor

By Ben Whelan

With it being Holiday season and all, we over here at the Mass Media have decided to give you all a gift to make your holiday break a little nicer: An extra large, action-packed, super issue. If you’re traveling, grab a copy to read on the road or as a gift for the folks back home. If your plane goes down in a remote mountainous region, you’ll be extra happy you brought it along, because this issue will provide enough fuel to keep your signal fire going long into the night. It can also make very nice, and informative, wrapping paper. Whatever you decide to use it for, entertainment or survival, we hope you enjoy it. Also, be sure to check the website (www.umassmedia.com) , as we will be periodically adding exclusive web-only content over the break just to keep you up to date on the campus you left behind.

In News, outgoing News Editor Olesia Plokhii files for her final time at the Mass Media with a story from the Amherst campus that is rife with issues that touch us all. Not only is the fate of the young man in question still very much up in the air, but the incident itself raises all sorts of questions about race that many take for granted in today’s day in age. As sad as we are to see Ms. Plokhii go, she is certainly leaving on a high note with this piece. Also be sure to check out Business Manager Edson Bueno’s story on the school budget, which will hopefully send you into the break feeling a little better than you did before about where the school is financially for the Spring and moving forwards. It’s got all the facts and figures in there, and I can tell you off the top, your tuition and fees will be the last things to take the hit.

In Arts, editor Amy Julian went all out with a jam packed section sure to give you some ideas for how to spend your free time, if you have any, over the break. Whether you want the straight dope on Kanye’s album that just dropped or a good spot to see some theater vets roam the boards, just let you fingers do the walking.

Finally, the Clark Center is all abuzz with what could very well end up being the biggest season in men’s and women’s hockey in the history of the school. Think that may be a little over the top? Check out Sports and after you’ve read the section, you’ll see that the hype is all very well deserved.

Well that about does it for us; We wish you all a happy and healthy break for you and yours and we’ll catch you in February. Peace.

Ben Whelan

Editor in Chief