Preview: Womens Soccer

Preview: Womens Soccer

By Ryan Thomas

As the 2007 season creeps near, the women’s soccer team would like to forget about last season’s 3-14-1 overall record and the 11 goals they scored in 18 games (with five in one game). Amy Zombeck, head coach of the women, believes that the tides are ready to turn. “This team has a new attitude and [we] are looking to turn heads both in and out of the conference.”

One of the reasons for the breath of fresh air is the addition of a new assistant coach. Christopher Love, University of Hartford alum with professional soccer experience has coach Zombeck buzzing. “[Chris] is very knowledgeable about the game and is really looking forward to working with this year’s team.”

Players to Watch: When asked about a player to keep an eye on, Zombeck couldn’t choose just one. She named eight different girls who were not on her roster last season and said, “All of these players are capable of stepping onto the field and making a difference for our team.” The names of the girls, if you’re interested, are Meredith Federicks, Nicole Finamore, Lauren Vargas, Jillian Moriera, Phylicia MacDonald, Amber Wilson, Courtney Haroules and Ashley McRoberts.

The Leaders: Zombeck declined to name the captains as of yet, without citing any reason. With the addition of many new faces and a roster that has only two upper classmen, Stefanie Marini and Katherine Wall, expect these two to be the captains unless a new addition takes over a major leadership role in her first season.

Expectations: Any time a team wins only three games in a season, the expectations can’t be astronomical, and coach Zombeck knows that. “There is a lot of potential on this team, it is [just] a matter of coming together.” She continued by saying that she was expecting to surprise everyone in the division. “[We want to] move upward in our conference and fight for a playoff spot.”

Why Go? Go for the athletes, Zombeck says. “Walking onto a field and seeing friends, family and other supporters make players want to win more.” And besides, the only direction for the Beacons to go is up. Why not be a part of it? “This can be a year where the program can change,” Zombeck said. “It is a very exciting year for us to see where we can go.”