Letter from the Editors
February 2, 2009
This issue marks the beginning of Black History Month, which has special meaning this year given the election of our first black president. The times certainly are changing and it seems as though every year when February rolls around, we can look back on the preceding year and see real progress being made in this country and around the world. There is still much work to be done and taking some time this month to reflect on some of the overwhelming accomplishments of black heroes in this country and the struggles that they endured in the fight for racial equality is always an energizing way to reaffirm your own commitment to progress and bringing a brighter future that much closer.
Also in light of Black History Month, we have picked this issue in which to launch our new Culture and Diversity section. The C&D section gets the spread this week and is filled with a taste of what is to come from a section of the paper that we hope will be a forum to discuss a myriad of issues under its broad heading.
Now, without further ado, I am going to turn the rest of this column over to Business Manager and Culture and Diversity editor Edson Bueno, who has prepared an introductory statement about the section to let you know what it’s all about.
– Ben WhelanEditor-in-Chief
Our mission in Culture and Diversity is to organize creative and meaningful ideas and thoughts that would illuminate the truth to engage students in understanding the diversity that exists in their environment here on campus and beyond. In addition to engendering discussion about issues such as ethnicity, nationality, and race, this section will also be a place to discuss issues that effect the LGBT community, veterans, working parents and any other number of categories of individuals that make this campus the melting pot that it is. If you are interested in contributing or would like to send us your comments, email us at [email protected]
– Edson BuenoBusiness ManagerCulture and Diversity Editor