Letter From The Editor

By Ben Whelan

This week was a tough one at the Mass Media as we were put in the unenviable position of having to report the arrest of not only two fellow students, but one of our campuses highest ranking student leaders. Were they committing a crime? Are they criminals? That is a matter for the courts to decide.

In the meantime, the important thing to remember is that these two individuals, regardless of their guilt or innocence, are first and foremost students and members of the University community. While it is our job to report the news as it happens, whether we like it or not, we would heavily encourage all of you to reserve judgment until all of the facts are in. Until that time, we would ask for your support for the students in question as one can only imagine the hardships that they are currently facing and may face down the road. It should also be noted that the alleged crimes were not violent in nature and were related to the sale of marijuana, and enterprise that I’m sure many of us are familiar with in some form or fashion, and one that the Media has always taken a relatively moderate stance on. It is also true that this event took place off campus and has no tangible connection to the countless hours of work and effort, many of which were given on a volunteer basis, that President Ainooson has put in over the last couple years serving the students and trying to make all of our lives on campus better.

We don’t necessarily support these students alleged actions, but we do understand that everyone is prone to lapses in judgment. Who knows what will happen next as the story evolves; regardless it can hopefully serve as a cautionary tale and a lesson for both those involved and for the University community as a whole.

Sincerely,Ben WhelanEditor-In-Chief