Letter from the Editor

By Ben Whelan

I know what you’re all thinking: The Mass media on a Thursday?! Has the world gone topsy-turvy? No need to worry, we can be pretty tricky over here at the Mass Media and we’re just trying to keep you on your toes.

In other news, we are once again deeply entrenched in that magical time of year known as election season, when the democratic process has a chance to shine and change is in the air…sort of. In the mayoral race, Sam Yoon was unable to ride the Obama tide and capitalize on his youth and energy leaving us once again with, like most elections in this country, a face-off between two old white guys.

The results of the primary for the city council seat however yielded one of the most diverse candidatem pools in years, highlighted by key Kerry aide Ayanna Pressley (no relation to Elvis), Deval staffer Tito Jackson (no relation to Michael), and local latino political powerhouse Felix Arroyo (no relation to Bronson).

We’ll be sure to give you all the info you need to make an informed decision when the time comes, but feel free to get off your ass and do some of your own research; voting for Menino based on his adorable hamster cheeks and creative take on verbiage is’nt a terrible thing, but you should at least check out the other guy.

This week’s issue kicks off on the next page with a piece by news maverick Caleb Nelson on one of the most under-reported issues of the last year. A blend of allegations of racism, campus security concerns and a community willing to take a stand all add up to a blockbuster of a story that is more than worth your time.

In Arts, Emma Franco brings your attention to another below the radar happening that is actually on our campus: the Harbor Art Gallery’s fantastic tattoo art show. Not only is the show itself pretty cool and may entice you to get inked on the spot, but the food at the opening reception was pretty freakin’ spectacular. We’ll be sure to let you know when the next opening is so you don’t miss out, but in the meantime, be sure to stop on by and check it out.

Finally in sports, Sebastian Lena chronicles the start of what could be one of the most successful sports seasons in school history as volleyball team, the pre-season number one in their division, return from a West coast swing hungry and looking for more. If there was ever a season to become a Beacon booster, this is it, as you actually have a pretty good shot of being on the winning end of things in any sport you choose to follow.

Finally, we are still looking to fill a number of positions on the staff, so if you have any interest in being involved with a (likely) soon to be award winning newspaper, please stop on by (Campus Center, 3rd Floor, behind the ID desk) or shoot an email to [email protected].

-Ben Whelan Editor-in-Chief