A Note from New Music Editor Bonnie Godas

By Bonnie Godas

Welcome back to school and to the new music section of Mass Media. I would like to introduce myself to all of you really cool and hip readers that really know their music but are also interested in learning more. If you are into reading stories about new bands, both local and national, cd and music video reviews and really cool interviews, and just about anything else that’s about music then this might be what your looking for.

My name is Bonnie and I am very excited to be the music editor at Massmedia. My background and experience in music goes way back. I have worked as a booking agent with local and national bands; arts photographer, DJ, and interned at a radio station. I have worked with some really awesome people who along with my genuine passion for the arts has made music a special part of my life.

U.Mass is a unique place in that contains a diverse and very gifted students some of which I am sure are real talented musicians. Please let us know who you are. We would love to talk to you, maybe check out a live show, if you do play out, and maybe get a buzz going. It might help strengthen your musical goals and encourage more interest for this section of the Arts. And who knows? You could be the next superstar out of Boston. Hey it could happen. I am fortunate to have two ambitious and dedicated writers, Eric Mendes and Ben Walsh and of course my terrific editor in chief [blushing-EIC], Ben Whelan, who will help make this an amazing, fun and informative section in our college newspaper.

So let’s keep the lines of communications open. If you have any comments or suggestions, please send me a line at [email protected].

Until next issue-Keep listening and keep reading.

-Bonnie Godas