Foredoes Me Quiet

By Bonnie Godas

The music scene seems to be changing these days as there seems to be a renaissance of new artists that are emerging particularly from this area.

As I mentioned in my review of “The All American Rejects”, sometimes I ask for a CD from the bands that are backing up the headliners. In most cases they are anxious to give me one because at this early stage in their career, they want to be reviewed and anything will help.

Foredoes Me Quite is a local band from the Boston Area that is yet another band who has really impressed me. Band members, Dallas; vocals and guitar, Mike: Bass, Tim; Drums and Johnny, Guitar and vocals have given a five song CD that is powerful, creative that surges with a stream of energy.

Vestalia, their most recent recording-named after the “goddess of the hearth”, is rich with a variety of genres rolled into one. In these tracks I heard a little of everything; containing past musical styles that covered everything from U2, The Clash, Gang of Four and Nine inch nails.

The first cut, “A killing cure” begins with this sort of John Mayer (no offense Dallas) vocals that turns into an undercurrent of galactic sound. The incorrigible drumming from Tim drives it into a frenzy and finally brings it all home.” Galicia” takes off where “A Killing Cure” left off. The reverb works here with a strong bass by Mike. This one is a beauty.

“Vestalia” is passionate and addictive and fast with a great back up vocals by Dallas and Johnny that pulls you in, invades your brain and lets you go.

“The Blindfold”, again with Dallas’ strong and emotional vocals is accompanied by this hyperactive attack guitar that surges into euphoria.

The Last cut, “Love Wins”, begins as an introduction of melancholy and distraught vocals then once again takes off and brings you down. Here we go again on another rock and roll roller coaster ride. And this is some ride.

Check this band out…they are going places.