Police Log: Jan. 16, 2003

By Natalia Cooper

Thursday, January 2, 2003

1:35pm- Outside the Administration Building, the ice proved too treacherous for one person who slipped and fell but refused medical attention.

Friday, January 3

2:19pm- Someone reported a damaged exit gate on University Drive North.

Saturday, January 4

1:58pm- Public Safety was notified of a person passed out in the hockey rink at the Clark Athletic Center. They notified EMS and the person was taken to Mass General Hospital for observation.

Monday, January 6

10:52am- An alarm call in the McCormack Building proved false after it was checked out by campus police.

Tuesday, January 7

1:14am- One of the cleaners working to keep UMB beautiful and pristine in the wee hours of the morn, accidentally set off an alarm in the Science Center. Although the parakeets in the greenhouse were no doubt disturbed by the noise, all turned out to be safe.

7:42pm-McCormack Building: A suspicious man was reportedly wandering around the hallways looking into classrooms and asking people to please leave. Joke’s on him because Public Safety was promptly notified and he was served a trespass warrant and ejected from the premises.

Wednesday, January 8

12:57am- Science Building, alarm call

1:06am- McCormack Building, alarm call

1:19am- Wheatley Hall, alarm call (All three early morning alarm calls on January 8 were alarm calls due to a power failure on campus).

8:09am- A false fire alarm sounded in the Healey Building due to a mechanical malfunction.

3:45pm- An employee working in the Service Building called to report about annoying and harassing phone calls they were receiving while at work.

Friday, January 10

8:06am- Accidental alarm call in the Administration Building.

9:54am- Someone in the service building reported an injured wrist. Party was transported by ambulance to St. Elizabeth’s Hospital.

3:35pm- Pre-emptive strike #1- To avoid any Healey Library hi-jinx, some juveniles were reported as an incoming threat of disturbance as they made their way from elsewhere on campus and up to the library.

3:55pm- A disturbance was reported in one of the computer labs in the Healey Library. Apparently, after experiencing some problems with the computers a man began swearing and yelling at the computer lab attendants. When campus safety arrived, they discovered the fractious fellow wasn’t even a UMB student and promptly requested his departure from campus.

Sunday, January 12

3:15pm- Pre-emptive strike #2- One of the UMB shuttle bus operators wanted to give the MBTA fair warning of an incoming group of raucous juvenile passengers which would soon be on the transportation authority’s property. Public Safety was notified of the notification.

4:10pm- A group of juveniles waiting to use the gym in the Clark Athletic Center were giving the guards some guff as they waited their turn to use the facilities. According to Public Safety the tenacious teens changed their tune when the UMB police arrived.