News Briefs

By Gintautas Dumcius

UMass President To Visit Harbour Campus

Interim UMass President Jack Wilson is set to visit the UMass Boston campus for a day later this month.

A tentative schedule has Wilson coming December 12, meeting with the Faculty Council, and going as a guest to a student luncheon. The plans also include his touring the new Campus Center, set to open soon. Student organizations are preparing to move in next month.

Wilson has been visiting all the campuses in the UMass system. He recently visited Amherst for a lecture by former Clinton Labor Secretary and failed gubernatorial candidate Robert Reich, as well as to discuss budget proposals with student government officials.

Mass Media Now “Award-Winning”

The Mass Media has been given the 2003 U-Wire Savvy Award for a 4-Year Non-Daily for its website.

Mass Media staffers were left surprised and wondering if it was the only entry.

U-Wire, often referred to as the Associated Press of campus newspapers, sent a plaque and an evaluation to the newspaper’s headquarters in McCormack Hall.

The Mass Media is UMass Boston’s weekly independent student newspaper with a circulation of 5,000, on campus and off. Its web address is

Stanford President Might Take Salary Decrease

The Stanford Daily reports that University President John Hennessy might accept a five percent decrease in his nearly $566,000 salary.

The university, like many institutions across the nation, is facing a budget crunch and a potential salary freeze.

“Hennessy has volunteered to take a 5 percent pay reduction [for fiscal year 2003] in light of the budget pressures this year,” Jeff Wachtel, President Hennessy’s chief of staff, told the campus newspaper. “Though the amount is not large relative to the entire University budget, it represents his feeling that everyone must participate in the budget reduction process and that, as president, he should go even further than what he is asking of his colleagues across the University.”