News Briefs

By Gin Dumcius

3 Bulger Aides Set To Retire

Eight people at the UMass president’s office have filed for early retirement, three of them aides of former UMass President William Bulger, the Associated Press reports.

Not all of them will be replaced in the $5.6 million dollar, currently 58-member office, Interim President Jack Wilson told the newsgathering organization.

Bulger aides set to retire include UMass special counsel Joseph G. Brady, and staff assistants Ann Marie Green and Patricia Brett. Brady was a general counsel for Bulger during his days as president of the Senate. Green and Brett were Senate employees of Bulger’s.

They earned $151,041, $69,999, $88,000, a year, respectively, according to The Boston Globe.

UMass Prof Appointed To Ben Franklin Commission

Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of Massachusetts Jeffrey Sedgwick has been appointed by President George W. Bush to a federal commission on planning Ben Franklin’s 300th birthday, according to UMass Amherst’s Daily Collegian.

“The federal commission will have the next two years to organize Franklin’s tercentenary celebrations, which will include the minting of a Benjamin Franklin tercentenary coin and the issuing of a special postage stamp,” wrote the Collegian.

“It’s our job to design and approve of a whole menu of activities that will engage all Americans,” Sedgwick told the campus newspaper.

4K Copies of Justice Stolen

A student senator at Brandeis University has been accused of and admitted to stealing several thousand copies of the Justice, the independent student newspaper, from its loading dock.

“When I did it, I was thinking that every copy of the paper was free, so I did not think it was theft,” senior student senator Mark Brescia told the Waltham Daily News Tribune.

His AOL Instant Messenger away message gave it away, reading: “I took every single copy of the Justice, University PD just took them all back, it was good for a days laugh.”

The Daily News Tribune quoted Brescia as saying, “I have nothing against The Justice… I think they are a great paper.”

The incident was deemed to be unrelated to a racial remark made in the Justice several weeks before, and the ensuing controversy.