Letter from the Editor

By Ben Whelan

The economy sucks, but that’s a good thing, because I bet when everyone takes to their bomb shelters to ride it out they will leave their Halloween candy behind! Bonanza! Okay, that’s not right, you should probably save it for them until things stabilize and reason reigns once more. If you’re one of the folks in the shelter, than this issue of the Mass Media is a great way to keep track of all the Halloween happening that you’re missing out on.

In news, Benjamin Brooks will give you the nuts and bolts of the financial crisis and how it will effect the school and, more importantly, your life. It ain’t gonna be easy, but rest assured seniors, school will be here for you to graduate from in May.

Boston can get a little crazy around All Hallows Eve so if you’re not a fan of getting decorated with eggs thrown by young brigands, take Amy Julian’s tip and abscond to Salem for a reading in the Salem Witch Museum. It’s like going to Dublin for St. Patty’s or the North Pole for Christmas.

Sports is more treat than trick this issue with the athletic department getting some much needed scheduling changes in their candy bag this year. No word on changes of game times, but just a thought: start them when students are still on campus? (looking in your direction, basketball…)