Erin Reilly plays the lead, Hope Cladwell, in the University of Massachusetts Boston’s production of “Urinetown,” and she took the time to talk about her experience with the production with the Mass Media.
Q: Is this your first production with UMass Boston, or have you been in others?
A: Yes, this is my first production with UMass Boston.
Q: Were you always interested in theater, and is this something you’d like to continue with in the future?
A: I have always been interested in theater (musical theater in particular), but did not start performing until my freshman year of high school. Now, I can’t imagine my life without the stage. I hope that this is something that I can do for the rest of my life!
Q: How would you describe your character, and what did you do to get into character?
A: My character, Hope Cladwell, is kind, big-hearted, and a lot smarter than people give her credit for. The director of “Urinetown,” the fabulous Carrie Ann Quinn, had everyone in the cast write character biographies, which included information about the character’s childhood — how they feel about where they live and what secrets they have. I find that exercises like that are extremely helpful when it comes to getting into character because it requires an actor to dig deeper into the mind of the character. Another significant part of getting into character is the physical embodiment of the character discovering the character’s body center and coming up with gestures or habits unique to the character.
Q: How did the auditioning and rehearsal processes go for you?
A: Auditions are always a little bit nerve-wracking for me, but they are also exciting. I think I was more excited for “Urinetown” auditions than for any other audition I have ever had. I walked into the theater for my audition and I couldn’t stop smiling.
Once I got cast, I couldn’t wait to start rehearsing. The rehearsal process for this show was great. Everyone involved in the show has been simply amazing from day one. Rehearsals are always best when you get to work with talented people who you both admire and enjoy being around. That was the case for “Urinetown.”
Q: What makes “Urinetown” a must-see play?
A: “Urinetown” is a must-see play because there is nothing else like it. It’s an absolutely hilarious show with great music and the cast is phenomenal!
Q: What’s next for you?
A: What’s next? More auditions!
Meet the cast: Erin Reilly as Hope Cladwell
December 8, 2013