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The Mass Media

The Mass Media

Celebrating our achievements, even during uncertainty

As our semester ends, we’re all probably noticing that we’ve come out of this year changed by the world around us.  

There’s been positive growth for some of us, as we look back at this year proud of our accomplishments and mini-successes. Unfortunately, for some other students, this year has been full of trials and tribulations.  

I’ve met with a lot of students who are honestly worried about the state of our world, along with the future. There are wars in every corner of our globe, with human rights violations occurring alongside them. Then, there’s the violence targeted towards marginalized communities right in our own streets. 

This year, we’ve really seen just how much some people suffer. For me, this personally affected my mental state, and sadly led me down a path of self-wallowing and wondering what the point is of looking forward to a world that seems so dark. It’s been reasonably difficult to push forward academically when the world looks so bleak and uncertain. 

Then, through some more tragic incidents in my life, I reached a sort of breakthrough. I realized just how important it is to see the beauty in the world that remains, no matter how small. Like the fact that we still sit and watch gorgeous sunsets; the fact that we can enjoy fresh air and clean water, or watch a small bee fulfill its life purpose. 

So many things that we often take for granted are things that still can give hope to others. While it’s difficult, this is what I try to do to keep myself afloat. As humans, we tend to naturally focus on the negative, while downplaying the positive. This is why I believe that every achievement, regardless of how small, should be fully celebrated. 

Whether we simply just passed the semester, or we figured out some new things about ourselves, we’ve done things in the aspect of personal growth, and that’s something to be proud of. With each day, we’re gifted with the opportunity to better ourselves a little more. 

As a transfer student who officially completed her first year at UMass Boston, I can now say I’m fully happy to be a part of the community. I’ve been able to see just how much this year has changed me, and I’ve been really trying to acknowledge my accomplishments.  

So as this year ends, I hope we all take advantage of this summer break. Whether you use it to level up your finances, or soak in the joys of summer, I hope you find some way to recharge as we enter the new world that awaits us. 

But most importantly, acknowledge the amount of effort you put into getting here. Making it another year is a privilege, and I hope this summer gives you the appropriate time to appreciate this fact. 

I hope we all take the opportunity to have some fun, and to fellow continuing students, I hope to see you back in the fall rejuvenated and excited! For those graduating, I truly hope you feel so proud of your accomplishments as you move onto a new chapter of your lives. And to the faculty and staff, thank you for contributing to another great year, as this wouldn’t be possible without you. 

Finally, if you haven’t heard it yet, please know that I’m so proud of all of you for the hard work you’ve done. Whether it was staying on top of your studies or just doing your best to survive; I’m so proud of you for making it here.  

Now, I hope you all have a great summer, and make sure to stay safe! 

About the Contributor
Mercy Moncada, Opinions Writer