An on-campus group is taking part in the 2014 Boston Marathon to raise money for Camp Shriver. Camp Shriver, which is run from campus and uses University of Massachusetts Boston facilities, is described as an inclusive summer camp in which half of its campers have a disability.
“It’s a sports camp, so we use the UMass Boston facilities to let our campers swim, play basketball, and go hiking among other activities,” says Kathleen Ghio, Interim Director of the Camp Shriver Marathon Team, adding, “we’re unique in that the parents of campers only pay a $25 registration fee and all other expenses are funded by donations.”
The choice of a marathon team to gather donations underscores not only the camp’s sports background but its message of overcoming adversity. “You can’t break the spirit of a runner,” says Ghio. “The people on this team are unbelievably awesome and so genuine and nice. They endure these painful mornings [training] for a great cause and it’s inspiring and just fits Camp Shriver.”
Following the events of last year’s Boston Marathon, the first one that the camp participated in, Ghio says that she has seen support for the team grow in the number of UMass Boston students participating in the marathon in support of Camp Shriver. “We have four or five runners from campus and they are absolutely incredible,” she says, “and in general I think the university has been very supporting.”
Among the students running for Camp Shriver is senior volleyball player Christine DuPuis. The Nevada native says that it had been her dream to run the marathon since she came to Boston in her freshman year. “We [the volleyball team] see Camp Shriver all summer so I’ve been around them for a bit and I think it’s just an awesome organization,” says DuPuis, adding, “it’s a perfect situation that I get to help this amazing group of people and fulfill my goal at the same time.”
DuPuis also talked about her training and how the conditions have been less than ideal. “The weather has been brutal and I’ve been jumping over snow banks and ice patches as I’m running through Southie,” she said, “but being an athlete has taught me about dedication. There are days where I’m tired and it’s cold and tough, but I know that I need to [keep going] or I won’t make it to the end.”
She added that she’s received support from teammates, friends, and family in her preparation. “My teammates have been running with me and encouraging me to train when I’m not feeling it,” said DuPuis. “My parents, my sister, and my best friend are all coming out to watch me and they’re all pumped, so I’ll have quite the support group cheering me on.”
As a member of the volleyball team, DuPuis has experienced a lot of success, but she says this will rank as her greatest athletic accomplishment. “The UMass volleyball team has been to the national elite eight three of the last four years now, which has been amazing, but those were team accomplishments. This is an individual thing and this will be at the top of my achievements.”
The marathon is the greatest source of donations all year for Camp Shriver. You can donate to Christine DuPuis’ page by going to
Camp Shriver to participate in second Boston Marathon next month
March 17, 2014