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The Mass Media

The Mass Media

Sibling Showdown: Italian vs Chinese


Chinese or Italian for dinner is a debate that has separated families since the dawn of food delivery service.

Megan Bennett and Chris Dello Russo have known each other since she was four and he was an embryo. He likes sports, and Megan touched her first baseball this morning. Megan is a senior English major and Chris is a sophomore history major who has been known to go an entire day without putting a shirt on. Megan’s favorite candy bar is Kit-Kat, while Chris, when asked what kind of tree he would be if he could choose, said, “the Redwood.”
This week follows the siblings’ texts to each other debating what to get for dinner.
Megan: Want to order take-out for dinner?
Chris: Sure, how about that Italian place?
Megan: I was actually thinking Chinese.
Chris: What’s wrong with Italian?
Megan: It’s not Chinese.
Chris: Exactly, so what’s wrong with it?
Megan: Italian doesn’t have chicken fingers.
Chris: But it has chicken parm, which is better.
Megan: Mmm, I beg to differ.
Chris: Well, you’d be wrong.
Megan: And beef teriyaki. But mostly chicken fingers.
Chris: Those chicken fingers smell like an old dirty sock. Now the smell of a nice chicken parm or a good old-fashioned pepperoni pizza, that’s something you can smell and just know it’s gonna taste good.
Megan: You can’t put duck sauce on a pizza. That would taste terrible.
Chris: So? You can put freshly grated cheese on a pizza or on chicken parm, which always makes things taste better.
Megan: But chicken fingers. Chicken. Fucking. Fingers.
Chris: Chicken. Fucking. Parm. Delicious. A classic. Pizza. The greatest dinner in the world.
Megan: But you’d be missing out on the fried rice.
Chris: And you’d be missing out on all of that delicious sauce.
Megan: Uh, hello? Duck sauce, soy sauce — that weird yellow mustard kinda spicy sauce. I got that variety, yo.
Chris: I’m talking the real sauce. The delicious, homemade, straight from the old country sauce used on the pizza, the pasta, the chicken parm, everything. It goes great with everything.
Megan: Almost nowhere uses homemade sauce anymore. Prego is a thing. You can’t fake Chinese food!
Chris: Chinese food is all fake! Do you know how much MSG there is in there? Do you even know what MSG is? Cause I sure as hell don’t!
Megan: No, they definitely have all the animals in the back waiting to be food.
Chris: Italian it is, then.