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The Mass Media

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

Plans for on-campus Dunkin’ Donuts delayed

Students are hoping that a scene like this one in South Station will be coming to campus soon

The plan to build a Dunkin’ Donuts on campus within the year of 2014 will no longer take shape because of lack of infrastructure in the initial designated area.
“We realized the [McCormack building] infrastructure is not supportive of having the Dunkin Donuts there. In terms of plumbing, power, and also where we would need to build it,” said Assistant Vice Chancellor for Campus services Diane D’Arrigo.
The donut chain was expected to replace the McCormack Express cafe located on the 1st floor of the McCormack building, but over the summer construction issues were identified and the plans put on hold. “The drain would be over an electrical vault. You can’t put a drain over where electricity is,” explained D’Arrigo.
D’Arrigo added that the university will now try to identify another suitable location that will be able to accommodate to the restaurants construction. “We started to work with Student Affairs to explore the other side of the hallway where the Art Gallery is. Not inside the art gallery because I know that’s untouchable but outside, that part of the lobby area.”
D’Arrigo acknowledges that the area is small and still unsure if it could support the utilities and power needed for the location. New design plans are currently being re-drawn and should be presented to D’Arrigo within the week.
In the meantime, some students expressed their displeasure with the infrastructural problems surrounding the construction of the planned donut chain on campus. “I am a little outraged,” Senior Safwan Eid said. “I sat down in USG meetings and heard them say there would be a Dunkin Donuts on campus,” Eid added. “I guess it’s just UMass Boston being UMass Boston.”
The construction of a campus Dunkin’ Donuts location was the #1 request in a survey given last year asking students what they would most like to see on campus. 
D’Arrigo ensured students that the University is working diligently to find the right location that can meet the infrastructure requirements necessary for the donut chain. “We are committed to having this happen, we just have to find the right location that will support the infrastructure facilities and be at a reasonable the cost,” said D’Arrigo.