Politically correct language is still essential due to the continued atmosphere of disrespect we display towards each other based on our ethnic, sexual, and/or religious groups. Societal equality won’t be achieved until we change what we say about each other.
Political correctness isn’t just about making sure not to label all Haitians and West Africans as black, or all Chileans and Puerto Ricans as Latino, or all Koreans and Thai as Asian. It extends to much more than that.
Is American society “past racism”? Not a chance.
It doesn’t help that the English language is inherently racist. This is how Robert Moore describes the language in the text “Racism in the English Language”:
“Some may blackly (angrily) accuse me of trying to blacken (defame) the English language, to give it a black eye (a mark of shame) … They may denigrate (to cast aspersions; to darken) me by accusing me of being blackhearted (malevolent), of having a black outlook (pessimistic, dismal) on life, … which would certainly be a black mark (detrimental fact) against me. … However, it would be a black day when I would not “call a spade a spade,” even though some will suggest a white man calling the English language racist is like the pot calling the kettle black. …”
Take for example, the storm of comments directed toward Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman after his recent interview. There was no shortage of outright racist comments, as well as the thinly-veiled use of “thug” to describe him.
English is also a sexist language and America is not past its sexism either. World wonders are “man-made”; large-scale efforts are a result of “manpower”; progress benefits “mankind.” All men are created equal, including the chairman, ombudsman, councilman, craftsman, foreman, fisherman and mailman.
Certainly there must have been a woman involved somewhere, at some time, in something.
A recent Pantene ad does an admirable job in exposing many of the double standards heaped on women when it comes to the pursuit of success: women aren’t bosses, they’re “bossy”; not persuasive but “pushy”; a man working late hours is “dedicated” but a woman is “selfish.”
On the other end of it, though rather counterintuitive to many, sexism works against the progress of men as well. Take the phrase “Man Up.” What does this say to men? Suffocate your feelings. Don’t think, just act. Feelings don’t matter. Consideration and feelings are “feminine” things; only a “pussy” hesitates when confronted or pressured.
“Hesitation is weakness.” So, when you’re having difficulty making a decision, just “grab your balls”, utter the phrase “Man Up!” and instantly transform into Manly Man ― the primo alpha male who can make any decision without consideration, sexually “gratify” hordes of women at any moment without stopping and kill any number of others to defend his honor and country, all while feeling nothing and having a six-pack of abs harder than Mount Rushmore.
If a woman is killed, the murderer is charged with “manslaughter.” A woman injured on the job is covered by “workmen’s compensation.” As long as certain language is used, women will be denied their status as men’s equal, denied their political power and forever remain as consumable sexual objects and property.
At the other end of the spectrum is the view that political correctness infringes on First Amendment rights and is censorship of free speech. This is simply a complaint from those who feel like their “fun” is being infringed upon. If a joke is offensive, it shouldn’t be said. However, if you just want to have fun, you’re always free to use your First Amendment right without conscience.
One politically sensitive issue is the term “Merry Christmas.” Some feel (e.g. Fox News) it’s almost taboo to say Merry Christmas because other religious groups will feel “oppressed”, or there could be some unhappy atheists within earshot.
“I can’t say Merry Christmas because Muslims and Jews could get offended.” If you think that every Muslim is an overly sensitive “towelhead” who will blow your family up at the slightest jingle of bells, or some Jew will beat you over the head with a Torah and guilt-trip you back to Babylon, then the problem is your uneducated view of Muslims and Jews (and atheists), which causes your extreme paranoia and discomfort.
If someone says “Merry Christmas” to you, take it in the best way – not as a renewed assault on your religious freedom, but simply as a good wish.
“But not everyone goes around wishing ‘Happy Hannukah’ or ‘Happy Kwanzah’. Why can’t these Christians just keep it to themselves?”
Have you noticed the high percentage of Christians in the U.S.A. (all denominations included, Catholics and so on)? Of course the celebration of Christmas is a national tradition. That is like going to Indonesia or Pakistan during Ramadan and complaining about the closed restaurants and strange looks you get for eating lunch in public. And have you noticed that not all Christians are Catholics but range Episcopalians, Lutherans, Protestants, Baptists, Roman Catholics, with different interpretations of their religious texts?
Sorry, but there’s no “war on Christmas” ― only a war on socialization and getting to know one another.
It is arguable that politically correct language is a form of censorship and is “anti-free speech.” It is true that to be politically correct, a speaker might choose gender-neutral words, or a non-standard set of words from the language. Having seen how inherently racist and sexist the English language is ― only a fraction was demonstrated above ― and how deeply these thoughts are ingrained into our everyday lives, it has become apparent that language must be used in a new way if we are ever to get out of this social, economic and spiritual rut. Consider the not the legality of politically incorrect language, but the societal consequences it evokes.
Due to the politically incorrect language we use with each other, the “status quo” of English usage only keeps America locked in troubling social mediocrity.