Dewayne Lehman, Director of Communications, and Holly Sutherland, Manager of Master Plan and Construction Communications issued the latest update on the different construction projects that are taking place at University of Massachusetts Boston’s campus. They also talked on the Two-way Traffic Ahead and ensured UMass Boston Community members that finding spots is not going to be an issue, neither affecting their commute time.
This summer UMass Boston is going to begin the transformation of University Drive from a one-way road to a tree-lined, two way street with sidewalks and bike paths.
University Drive South, which runs alongside Savin Hill Cove, will close to traffic for more than a year, while this portion of the utility and roadway construction is underway.
The remainder of University Drive will become a two-way road during this time. Commuters travelling to the campus, the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, and the Massachusetts Archives will use this road.
The North and the South Lot are going to be closed permanently. Thus, the Bayside Lot is set to open permanently. To compensate for the loss of handicapped spots of the North Lot and South Lot parking areas, the University will use parking under the campus center for handicapped.
“We are very conscious about making sure that we have [enough] handicapped parking,” said Lehman. “No handicapped parking will be lost,” he emphasized. He further explains that the University will make sure that there is the same amount of parking available.
In regard to students who are going to use the Bayside Lot, Sutherland said that more dedicated free shuttle busses will be provided from Bayside to Campus. The Bayside Express will be running on the same schedule with Shuttle No. 1 from 7 a.m. – 10:30 p.m. every 6-7 minutes.
She also encourages UMass Boston community members to take public transportation if they have concern regarding being on time, or find it difficult in the first two weeks to adapt to Bayside lot.
Sutherland and Lehman also issued an update on the Integrated Science Complex, (ISC).
“We are in a moving phase,” stated Sutherland in regard to ISC. She explained that the management is installing new equipment and moving old equipment from Wheatley Building and the previous science building to the brand new complex. She added that the ISC is set to open for fall 2014.
ISC will provide 220,000 gross square feet of space featuring 80 labs. This space will include research labs and support space for biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, and environmental sciences.
For the fall semester, all the science classes will be taught in the new building, except the biology teaching lab. “It will remain for the spring semester,” revealed Sutherland.
The construction on Two-way traffic is handled by the Utility Corridor and Roadway Relocation project which aims at modernizing the UMass campus. The project is funded through the UMass Building Authority, and the main contractor is Bond Brother Co.
Latest update on UMass Boston campus
June 14, 2014