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The Mass Media

The Mass Media

A Vote for Trump is A Vote for Hitler

With the world seemingly falling into chaos these past few weeks –though it wouldn’t be hard to argue it has always been this way –many different fears and prejudices have come to light once again. With the devastation the world is witnessing at the hands of terrorist organizations, times like these stir fear in us. What’s important is what we do with said fear that defines who we are.
For example, more than half the states in the U.S. are attempting to refuse entry for Syrian refugees because of recent events over the Atlantic in Paris, France. There are also fears of undercover ISIS agents, but of course, the fear behind closed borders is not based on the Syrian people themselves; the fear is based purely on looks and geographical location.
In this case, fear blinds us, resulting in locked U.S. doors in refugees’ faces in an attempt to “protect” one’s family. Luckily, although there are people out there who feel the fear, they don’t let it control them. These are the ones to open their doors to the people who need help, the ones to go out of their way make someone’s life better, the ones that give humanity hope for the future.
Donald Trump is not one of those people.
Right now in the polls, it seems that Trump is leading the Republican party and Hillary Clinton is leading the Democratic party. Now, on the sad chance that Bernie Sanders doesn’t get nominated to save our country on the Democratic nomination, then Clinton and Trump would most likely face off for the chance to be our next president. Based off current polls, if that were to happen, Trump would win.
You read that right.
There is a serious chance that Donald Trump, the man who painstakingly worked his way up from the lower-upper class, to the upper-upper class with the help of a “small” (read $1,000,000) loan from his father, could lead this country. You can’t turn on the TV without watching Trump turn the election into a reality TV show, using network time to his advantage and controversy and laughs to hook the simple-minded voters. But recently, Trump took things a bit too far.
When asked about Syrian refugees by an NBC reporter, the Big Bad Bigot claimed that if he were to be elected president, he would institute a mandatory registration system for Muslims. This multi-billionaire, who has single-handedly offended almost every race that isn’t white, genuinely believes what is coming out of his mouth. What this means is documenting all those who practice Islam living in the U.S., just for the perceived sake of “national security.”
Does this before sound familiar to you? It should, because Adolf Hitler did something similar with the Jewish population in Germany not even a century ago.
What is the excuse for this? Fear.
Trump shows it all in front of the camera, claiming ISIS and Islam to be the root of all evil and combining two drastic ideologies together into one word: terrorist.
It isn’t just Trump saying all these things. Most mainstream media outlets portray Muslims in the same light as ISIS, when in fact, ISIS has killed more Muslims than people of any other religion. Muslims fear ISIS more than the West, yet our fear is more irrational and emotionally bound than theirs.
The U.S. is one of the most well-protected countries on the planet, yet we fear a religion based off the actions of a few. Most of us will never see a day of true war, extreme violence, or rash terrorism, yet our government and media act as if the above could happen at any moment, not by religious radicals, not by terrorists, but by Muslims. 
America was founded on the notion of freedom: free speech, freedom of the press, and the freedom to worship the religion of your own choosing. What Trump is suggesting not only contradicts these notions, but puts in place the steps needed for another genocide.
Now, I know it seems like a stretch, but no one believed Hitler would get to the level he achieved back when he enacted the same registration for the Jews. It would put a target on the backs of all American Muslims, making them targets of racism and ignorance, even more so than they are now.
People should not have to suffer due to others fears and insecurities, no matter how expensive their obviously fake, golden blonde hairpiece is. So, for all of you still considering a vote for Trump, remember this: a vote for Donald Trump is a vote for Adolf Hitler.