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New USG Senators

New Student Senators at the USG

Last week on September 30th, the new senators of the Undergraduate Student Government were officially inaugurated and are now able to act as the voice of the student body in the Undergraduate Student Senate. Over the course of this week, the new senators will be able to select the committee that they want to be part of. The three committees they will be able to choose from are the Budget and Finance Committee (B&F), the Campus and Community Affairs Committee (CCA) and the Student Events and Organizations Committee (SEOC), which all perform essential tasks on campus.

During the USG Senate General Assembly, which was open to the public, the senators swore the oath which requires them to uphold the principles of the schools, follow the by-laws of the USG, and act accordingly to the USG constitution.

Justice Cecilia Sosa-Patterson reminded the new senators that they now bear an important responsibility. As Sosa-Patterson addressed the new senate members, she advised them to “remember the amount of students you represent when making decisions.” Furthermore, she encouraged them, in case they would ever have to face a conflict of interest, to consider who will benefit from their actions.

As this was the first USG Senate General Assembly with the new senators, Manager of Master Plan and Construction Communication, Holly Sutherland, stopped by to welcome the new members and update the now complete Senate about the construction process at the UMass Boston campus. Sutherland stated that as of right now the General Academic Building No.1 is scheduled to open in the spring semester 2016. Furthermore, she explained that the two-way roadway system is expected to be completed within the next two years. Sutherland also elaborated on the the Roof-Waterproofing Project is still in process at Healey Library. Additionally, Sutherland also informed the senators that the 25-Year Master Plan already has some results to show for, such as the new Harborwalk, which is already accessible. She also explained to students that students are now able to track shuttle buses through GPS and an improved digital app.

The new senators were also able to participate in the their first vote. As the Art Department was requesting a budget of $1,495 for a museum day-trip to New York, the new senators were asked, as their first action in their office, to approve or deny it. In an unanimous decision, all old and new senate member approved this budget request.

All the new senators in the fall semester 2015 are:

Thiago Amaro

Samara Aoun

Chris Bartley

Samantha Beaton

Edward Cowen

Lucas Henrique

Madison LaCrue

Gray Milkowski

Rosie Morrison

Jonathan Nestico

Luan Oliveira

Neil Severance

Anya Vining

Mykiel Williams


With the addition of the new senators the legislative branch of the Undergraduate Student Government has been extended significantly by 14 new members. According to the Speaker Yen Phan, the Undergraduate Student Senate currently holds 35 people in office in total who are divided up into 3 committees. The Budget and Finance Committee (B&F) with now 6 members, including the chair Phillip E. Gustafson, holds the responsibility of managing the Student Activities Trust Fund which provides financial support for the student clubs on campus, the Office of Student Activities and Leadership, the Harbor Gallery and the Student Arts and Event Council. Furthermore, this fund is used to sponsor special events and new student initiatives after the approval the this committee. Another committee for Campus and Community Affairs (CCA) currently holds 15 senators, including chair Caio D. Alvim, which makes it the largest committee in the Senate. Its main task is to connect the general student body to the USG, for example by conducting polls, and bringing wishes and students of students forward to the USG. Furthermore, the CCA also expresses students’ interests before other school administration. Lastly, the Student Events and Organizations Committee (SEOC) was also able welcome new members and now includes 12 senators, including chair Mark Torres. Its primary duty is to oversee all clubs on campus and approve possible new clubs. If a club is officially authorized by the SEOC, it is able to request spaces on campus and received funding for hosting events at UMass Boston.

As senators cannot occupy positions in multiple committees, but are only able to choose one, the decision should derive from an informed and motivation-oriented position.