UMass Boston (UMB) has recently undergone a lot of construction. With the creation of the new Integrated Sciences Complex and General Academic Building 1, UMB takes its first step into its 25 year plan. This plan, unveiled in 2009, outlines what the UMB campus expects to be, with the new buildings, McCormack and Wheatley Hall renovations, and the Harbor Walk improvements.
Though this plan is a positive step for UMB, one major problem for students attending this school currently is that it’s not finished yet. We are collectively experiencing the struggles of a campus under construction, and especially during the winter, it can take a toll on everyone.
The parking situation, for instance, is a problem that I have experienced multiple times. As a commuter, I drive to school everyday that I have to, and it can get exhausting. The on-campus lots are usually full by 9am, leaving the rest of the commuters to fill up the Bayside lot. It’s a bit further, but it’s not all too bad, except when it gets filled. There are a few other lots to try, but the best you can do is wait it out. Even having to park at Bayside, there is usually traffic on Mt. Vernon Street, which can make it difficult to get to class on time. I think that paying $6 a day at Bayside is a little too much, especially in the winter when we have to wait for the buses outside.
This problem only gets worse during the winter with constant let downs of the MBTA system. This winter is projected to be even worse than last year’s, and with the limited amount of parking spaces, along with the malfunctioning T, it’s going to be a huge issue. Although construction has been going fast, it isn’t fast enough to beat out the winter, meaning a halt to construction if it gets bad enough.
There should be more of a focus on things that need to be fixed in existing buildings during this time. We have bubblers that don’t work and signs that don’t make sense. We don’t have an ugly school right now; just in comparison to the beautiful buildings being put up the older buildings look dilapidated. I think we, as students, need to take more pride in our campus as it is now because it is all we have. Most of us will be here for four to eight years, and by then the 25 year plan still won’t be completed. We should leave looking at the future of our school to the faculty, and start enjoying the campus we have right now.
With a half completed campus, it’s hard not to be jealous of future students. We see the new buildings and the beautiful campus center and envy the students who will get to use the new school to its fullest. That doesn’t mean the beautiful harbor is going anywhere though. It also doesn’t mean that we should have less pride in our school. For every person that says its ugly, I guarantee 10 that say that’s why we love it.
UMB’s 25 Plan is Not Our Problem
September 11, 2015