UMass Boston's independent, student-run newspaper

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

Relationship Advice from Ms. Media

No one deserves to be lonely…

I’ve been talking to a girl for a few weeks. We have great conversations on facebook, in class, and by text, but I’ve asked her out twice and she’s been busy both times, I really like her, but I don’t want to seem desperate, can I ask her out again, or should I just let it go?


Big Guy, Big Heart

Hi Big Guy, Big Heart,

It looks as though you guys have great chemistry and are good school friends. It also seems as though you have been trying to take the friendly school relationship outside of UMass Boston’s boundaries. When you asked her out, did she give you a reason for saying no? If she did and the reasons seem valid, then I don’t think it would hurt to ask her out again. She may have actually just been busy, and if you ask her out again when she is not, she could potentially say yes. If you still fear that you might seem desperate when asking her out for a third time, you can always wait until the end of the semester. It’s only a few weeks away and then you won’t ever have to see her again!


Ms. Media