Today is your day
You’re off to great places
You’re off and away!
You have brains in your head
And feet in your shoes
So it’s off to career fairs
To network and schmooze
You’re on your own
And you know what you know
Recession be damned
You’ll be raking in dough
You’ll look up and down Craigslist
And become friends on LinkedIn with crazy Aunt Fawn
With your head full of brains
And your shoes full of feet
You even deleted that offending tweet
Out here things can happen
And frequently do
To people much smarter and attractive than you
You’ll fall far behind
‘Cause you have degrees
In unserious subjects
Like Women’s Studies
Wherever you fly you’ll be worse than the rest
Wherever you go you will lose to the Best
I’m sorry to say so
But sadly, it’s true
That long term, soul crushing unemployment leading to depression and feelings of hopelessness
Can happen to you
And when you are jobless
You’re not in for much fun
Finding an income
Is not easily done
You’ve tried every office
From here to Peru
No one has a job
There’s nothing to do
At least McDonalds
Could use a fry cook
But they said you’re too qualified:
You’ve read more than one book
So you start your own blog
But there’s no cash to be made
On detailing how hard it is
For you to get laid
And deeper and deeper
Into despair you will spiral
As you realize you’re gonna
Be broke for a while
You will come to a place where the streets are not marked
Some windows are lighted
But mostly they’re darked
Yet now you are desperate
Not to move home
And live with your parents, Diane and Jerome
So down the dark alley
To meet with the man
Who sells crystal meth
From an old panel van
“One rock to resell”
Your hear yourself mutter
As you pray dealing drugs
Gets you out of the gutter
Except that it won’t
And you’re screwed if you don’t
You’re in the game now
There’s no way to leave
Besides waging a drug war
On a midsummer’s eve
But perhaps you’ll get lucky
And can leave this behind
If your resume gets noticed
By the scourge of mankind
A temp staffing firm
Might offer a job
In a cubicle somewhere
Safe from the mob
And so you will go
With your shoes on your feet
To a sad office park
Every day, every week
For the rest of your life
‘Till you’re old and disgusting
You’ll wish you ignored
And been way less trusting
Of those who had told you
To follow your dreams
To take silly courses
To join silly teams
You’ll wish you put down
The beer and the bong
And picked up a text book
And studied ‘till dawn
And learned about math and chem and biology
Pehaps taken a class
About Einstein’s Cosmology
So that you might have
At least one good ability
And not get treated in interviews
With such open hostility
But forget this for now
It’s not time to worry
You’ll figure it out
No need to hurry
Your time is now
Today is your day!
You’re still unaware that a lifetime of pain, rejection, and loneliness which, even in a best case scenario ends in death, lies in front of you
So get on your way!