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The Mass Media

From ‘Beantown’ to ‘City of Lights’

Elizabeth and a flat mate posing with “by far the smallest car I have ever seen”

My name is Elizabeth Eng and I am a senior at UMass Boston majoring in both psychology and performing arts. I will be graduating this spring 2012! But what really is making this semester especially exciting for me is studying abroad in Paris! I am spending my final college semester at the Catholic University of Paris … or as we say in French “Institut Catholique de Paris”.

It has already been one week in Paris, and I still cannot believe this is my reality. I am thankful for scholarships like the Gilman Scholarship for making this possible, and for advisers like Lurlene Van Buren who helped me along the way. So far I have taken over hundreds of photos, and I still feel like I haven’t taken enough.

I live in the southern part of Paris with three other flat mates who are also students from the States. We each represent different universities, cities, and experiences. On the street of our Parisian apartment we have four bakeries, also known as boulangeries. Almost every day, we visit one of the boulangeries to pick up a fresh baguette to accompany our, also very fresh, soft cheeses.

There are open markets almost everywhere in Paris. One day on my walk home I came across a fromage, cheese, market. It was heavenly! There are also open markets for produce, meats, and even fresh fish caught that morning. Wine is also in abundance; it is more affordable to buy a bottle of wine than it is to buy a bottle of Coke!

I have yet to sample their delicious wines however, since I need to stay hydrated while training for the London Marathon. But after the marathon, I surely will have my well-deserved meal with a glass of wine.

Parisians are also known to walk everywhere. I am assuming that’s how they keep their “slim” figure. As a marathon runner, I have also noticed tons of runners dodging pedestrians and cars throughout this beautiful city as they get their running fix in. So, on Jan. 30 I joined in on the fun, I ran my first eight miles in Paris.

I started from my apartment. Then I ran down my street passing ten boulangeries, trying my hardest not to stare at the delicious, mouth watering, and tempting pastries while dodging the old French ladies and their dogs.

After two miles I saw La Grand Roué Ferris Wheel welcoming me with its big bright lights. Then as I turned left and continued to run along the Seine River I see (drum rolls) La Tour Eiffel! (The Eiffel Tower for those who don’t know).

I couldn’t believe I was seeing it with my own eyes! It wasn’t a photo on Google, it wasn’t a postcard; it was the real deal. The further I ran, the bigger and more beautiful it became. The architecture of it is amazing! France should have given us the Eiffel Tower along with the Statue of Liberty; they would have looked perfect side by side … like wine and cheese!

The next day my flat mates and I decided to check out Avenue des Champs-Elysees, a street famous for their busy shops and high-end boutiques. When we got off the Metro, the first building that greets us is the Arc de Triomphe! I pulled out my camera so fast I could put a paparazzi to shame.

You can read more about my adventures on Facebook, see pictures of the various foods & culture differences, posts comments, and even ask questions. Look me up as “Elizabeth S Eng”. You can also check out my London Marathon page at www.justgiving.com/lizeng.

Until next time … à bientôt!

Elizabeth Eng

UMB Senior

Paris, France