When you walk around campus here, you see many pictures or signs promoting all the different sports the university has to offer. But one sport in particular is missing: the so-called “American sport.”
Which one? It is the one sport that is all anyone can talk about this time of the year… the sport that brings many New Englanders together to cheer on the New England Patriots, as Tom Brady, one of the game’s elite quarterbacks, tries to lead the team to another Super Bowl appearance.
It is football.
Unfortunately for those football-crazed fans here at UMass Boston, the university’s program has been abolished due to lack of funds, lack of a facility, and lack of student interest. But there may be an alternative solution for those few football fanatics who yearn for the fresh smell of turf, escaping-victories, amazing comebacks and breathtaking plays.
For many students or faculty members who pine for a live game, Boston College High School may be just what you need. As you leave campus in the afternoon you may see their players in football pads, practicing. Or, if you stay late on any given Friday night, you may see the team competing under the bright lights.
UMass Boston is indeed a commuter school, so choosing to stay late and catch a high school football game may not appeal to many, but for those students who are curious and want to see a live game, the field is conveniently located just a few steps away from the UMass Boston campus.
For those students who do live nearby and are sitting in their apartment on a Friday night, wondering what activity they should take on, some “Friday Night Lights” may be just what they need.
For those students who are sitting in the library studying, drained and weary and in need of a boost of energy, a football atmosphere may be the perfect way to revitalize.
BC High entered their season with hopes of defending their 2012 Division 1 Super Bowl title. Although they have had a slow start to their season, they are currently ranked No. 20 in the Boston Globe Top 100, dropping from No.10 last week. And they will look to pick up their first victory as they compete against Dartmouth on Sept. 21.
UMass Boston does not have a football team, and that may never change. But don’t worry. If you can’t root for your university, there’s still a home team with lots of heart and talent right near our campus that’s ready to take the field every Friday night to defend their title.