The Harbor Gallery brought another great talent and showcase of exceptional work. Russell Dupont has been taking photos since he was an adolescent in South Boston.
“…As a teenager, I discovered Cartier Bresson, fell in love with his work and bought myself an Argus C3 rangefinder camera…”
DuPont’s work explores the rich landscapes of everyday life and the serendipitous energy created by raw emotion.
His photos rely heavily on composure and inherent energy rather than gear or elaborate lighting set ups. The photos span back a generation, some of which show a Boston pre-gentrification and Downtown and South End real estate boom. Though his photos are black and white—which is often used as a way for a photo to appear timeless—Dupont’s photos have a quality that make his work timeless in his own way. Each photo has a story which together creates the idea of a city full of personality and emotion.
The wholesome and humanistic energy of Dupont’s photos are as much a part of his work as they are a part of his personality. During the opening reception Dupont discussed with genuine countenance and modesty his work and motivations to guests eager to hear. He took time to offer personalized dialogue and background information. There were one or two amateur photographers there to pick his brain and he seemed eager to share his expertise. He carefully paced his work alongside the photographers while giving calm and thoughtful advice.
Photography is not Dupont’s sole talent; he is also a painter and printmaker, some of which is featured alongside his photos in the gallery. Dupont took up printmaking and painting once he started a family as a way to prioritize his creative energy and family:
“Somewhere along the way, life intruded. Marriage left me with boxes and albums of photos of children, as infants, as toddlers, as teens. There was no time to stalk the streets, freezing time, no desire to set up the darkroom in the bathroom after the kids were in bed.”
His fire for photography was reawakened after his studio of 15 years was sold. After sifting through old negatives he decided to give digital a go around. And it has paid off.
Dupont has been receiving steady exhibition work in the New England area and is back on the street doing what he loves and being recognized for it.
Russell Dupont’s work displayed in the Harbor Art Gallery August 29-September 24, 2012.
For more information about his work you can contact the Gallery at [email protected] or the artist directly at [email protected]