UMass Boston's independent, student-run newspaper

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

Letters to the Editor

Dear Mass Media,

(RE: “Dateline: Downtown” 4/14) Why is the word “political” such a hot potato for students? I may not be enrolled in the CPCS, but as the College of Public and Community Service, shouldn’t they realize now that the public, even a student public is never going to get their needs met without representation, without POLITIC? Are these students aware what the word means to their very field? (And all of our lives, at that)

Dictionary.com defines politics 2 ways: 1. The science of government. 2. The management of a political party. If a student, or citizen, wishes for the benefits of the first part of the definition, they are going to have to get their fresh kicks dirty in wading through the second part in the quest for positive change. No taxation without representation takes offense. You don’t win a game by the number of fans, but the number of plays. My holistic advice to the thwarted students of the college of CPCS is this: Quit bitchin’, start itchin’. Or at least call a lawyer to get your tuition back.

– Anonymous

(RE: “The Dean is ‘Dead.’ Long Live the Dean!”) As a CPCS student, one of my essential frustrations with all of the back and forth over what was happening at CPCS, has been the fact that longstanding grudges, and enmities among faculty and administrators were given more attention – by all parties involved – than the actual problems confronting students, faculty, staff – concrete, measurable, severe failures of the college to function at the most basic and essential levels.

I’m disappointed that this op-ed piece is weighted exactly the same way that so much that has come before it was – complaining about the bad guys, more to say regarding speculation on the underlying motives and sneaky behavior of those bad guys than about the specific, undeniable problems that have occurred. It relishes the come-uppance of the bad guys, and thus contributing to the whole crappy cycle that happens when people are so sucked into the sick dynamics of an unhealthy workplace that “winning” fights is more of a powerful driving force for decision making, than is the desire to do good work.

I understand how that can happen to people, I understand being angry, bitter, outraged – I understand that irreparable harm has been done to people’s careers, and to the work that they’ve invested years of their lives to. I also know that gloating and getting righteous does nothing at all to help current and future students, but instead makes the possibility of positive change now all the more difficult. We need faculty and administrators on all sides of the conflict over CPCS to receive the support and resources that they need in order to be able to work together, after having suffered through such a painful conflict. Because, if those people who remain at the college get stuck in nursing their grudges and waiting for the next chance to lash out – it really doesn’t matter who the dean is, things aren’t going to improve. I also believe that the kind of writing presented here, as legitimate as the anger is, just contributes to the wider university community’s perception that the people over at CPCS are just pissing and moaning over sour grapes – rather than asserting serious concerns over completely unacceptable problems with the education being provided, or that has failed to be provided, at the college.


(RE: “A Secularist Squid Against Islam,” 4/7) “Isn’t the dogged pursuit of expanded power and money a type of organized religion as well?” Sure seems like it. This article is tight. Pointing out the failure of secularism to support social justice is a good rebuttal to weak and cliche attack on Islam based on a few isolated instances and an out of context quote from the Koran.

-Claire Sternberg

CPCS has a terrific faculty and a longstanding reputation in the greater Boston area. I am sorry that the faculty and the Dean were unable to put their differences aside and work together for the betterment of the college and the students. I am sad to see things in such a state. The blame game should have been over a long time ago. The students and the community that needs “informed” human service professional workers have suffered enough. What happens at CPCS affects the larger community. UMB has a responsibility to the community to provide the very best training for human service workers. Let us not lose sight of the goal of education. It is to empower the students and the community. It is my hope that some good can come out of all this.


Great to read about the Beacons 1, 2 punch (Jordan-Whittier is Twice as Nice”, 4/14). Keep up the good work, Beacons. Show ’em who the Beasts of the Little East are.

-An Alumnus

(RE: “Dean of CPCS Resigns” 4/14) I didn’t think Terence (Flynn) was the Executive Assistant to the Dean. Pretty sure he was the Assistant Dean. You guys should check the records and carefully edit your articles.
