UMass Boston's independent, student-run newspaper

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

Wick’s Two Cents

There are always topics to ponder and opinions to take in the expanse of Boston sports. Every week, the Mass Media will talk to Alan Wickstrom, UMB’s Sports Information Director, and get his opinion on a relevant Boston sports topic. This week, Alan tells us what it’s going to take, in terms of money and years, to land The Enigma that is Manny Ramirez.

[Boras] has said six years. I thinh he’ll probably settle for four if he can get an average of $18-20 million a year. The Dodgers have reportedly offered him $60 million if they pick up the option over three years. And if they don’t pick up the option, they still pay him $45 million over two years, which is pretty damn good. I think if other teams are competing against that, then he will get minimum $20 million a year, minimum three guaranteed years with an option for a fourth.For as much as this guy griped about being in Boston, as far as I know he didn’t like it here because he didn’t like the spot light. So if that’s the case, why would he play for New York? It’s gonna be the same thing, or the same thing in Philly. Why wouldn’t the Dodgers be a place he would want to go?