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The Mass Media

The Mass Media

A Shot of Arts

Papa Don’t Preach, but Guy Does! So it may be old news, but Madonna and her hubby-director Guy Richie have officially called it quits. A rep for the couple announced that the two are getting divorced. In not-so-old news, the Material Girl’s better half said that he didn’t understand Madonna’s True Religion of Kaballah and mocked it as a fake that was all Bedtime Stories. He has a point: Kaballah couldn’t even save Britney from flashing her lady business or Lindsey Lohan from rehab.

Angie’s no Angel! Angelina Jolie recently reported that she began to fall in love with her significant other, Brad Pitt, while he was still with his then-wife Jennifer Aniston. Jolie says that she began courting Pitt during the filming of their film Mr. and Mrs. Smith and that an intense love began to grow and she just couldn’t contain it any longer. Apparently, just because you adopt like six million kids and give just as much moolah to charity doesn’t mean you have morals.

I guess just cuz you can sing, doesn’t mean you can act. Just ask elfish American Idol winner David Archuletta. The Crush singer just shot a bit part (aw, all those four lines, poor thing!) for the hit Nickelodeon show Carly. Archuletta said that acting is “tough” because you actually have to remember your lines, which he proved was not the case when he butchered his ballads on American Idol.

Jamie Lynne Spears just can’t keep the pregnancy rumors at bay! The unwed, teenage mother (who we assume is a strong supporter of Sarah Palin) has been adamantly denying that she is preggers again. She and Casey Alridge, her 18-year-old slacking mooch dirt bag of a fiancé, have three -month-old Maddie Briann to take care of, and Spears says she doesn’t “understand where people come up with these things” that she is pregnant again. Because why would anyone ever think that the youngest Spears chick would ever be pregnant again with such great role models (older sister Brit and her wonderfully attentive mother) guiding her adolescent decisions?