UMass Boston's independent, student-run newspaper

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

Wick’s Two Cents

There are always topics to ponder and opinions to take in the expanse of Boston sports. Every week, the Mass Media will talk to Alan Wickstrom, UMB’s Sports Information Director, and get his opinion on a relevant Boston sports topic.

This week, Alan tells us who should win the wide-open race for the American League’s Most Valuable Player.

At the end of August, beginning of September, I was thinking Pedroia was a shoe-in for who deserved it the most. But he’s just cooled off so much. Of course, this is the nature of baseball. A guy will get hot for three weeks, cool off for a week or two and he’s no longer the flavor of the week.

I really have to say Justin Morneau just because he’s doing it without any help. That line-up just doesn’t [scare people]. It’s a good, solid, balanced line up, but it’s not a great line-up. He doesn’t have anyone around whim who’s really protecting him and he’s still putting up these great numbers.

Without him, I don’t think the Twins are even anywhere close to the race. I guess I’m gonna go with Morneau here, as much as I hate to say that.