UMass Boston's independent, student-run newspaper

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

News Briefs

What Money?The BBC begins investigation into unaccountable spending of approximately $23 billion U.S. in Iraq; Swiss Banks Shrug Shoulders


Oops, Our BadU.S. soldiers on 9/22/08 accidentally shot allied ‘Sons of Iraq’ leader Jassim al-Garrout during ambush

-Army Times

What I Meant to Say Was…American Troy Davis-who has been held without bail on death row since 1989 for the alleged murder of a police officer-was pardoned from execution two hours before his lethal injection on Tuesday September 22nd. His case will be re-tried due to seven of nine key witnesses retracting their testimonies against him.

-Atlanta Journal

Sea Monsters: They live!Portugal has just opened its first commercial wave farm to harness wave energy via giant red metal snakes. The company is called Pelamis, the ancient word for sea snake.


Pie in the FaceIf directly given to Americans, the $700 billion bailout plan could buy 2000 McDonalds apple pies per person. Gee, like we don’t have anything better to do with it…and actually, I checked my math- it’s 2333 apple pies per person damnit. Don’t get stingy and expect they’ll pay you out too CNN…

-CNN and brought to our attention by the Daily Show

Compiled by Stefanie Fail