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The Mass Media

The Mass Media

International Education Week At UMB

There will be an International Education Week held at UMass Boston November 13 through the 16. What is International Education Week? It is the first time the University has ever planned such an event, and in fact, it was prompted by an idea promoted by Secretary of State Colin Powell’s.

In a recent announcement, Secretary of State Powell stated the importance of international education. He feels that nation-wide, International Education Week should be celebrated to help the challenge of “promoting tolerance and building friendship between the United States and future world leaders.” He added, “Following the events of September 11, it now is more critical than ever that we strive to reduce conflicts, support democratic development and increase understanding through international education and exchanges worldwide. During International Education Week 2001, we ask our colleagues and partners in this effort, across the United States and around the globe, to join with us in reaffirming a commitment to these goals.”

Therefore, the International Affairs Association, (a new graduate student organization on campus), inspired and encouraged by Associate Provost and Professor Winston Langley and Professor Primo Vannicelli, have decided to quickly respond to Powell’s request, and plan a first ever, International Education Week at UMass Boston.

There will be tables set up in the McCormack building with information available at each table about various student organizations, and during lunch time, there will be someone representing the organization to answer questions, or sign people up to join their organization. There will also be events with an international focus held on campus, such as a panel discussion on Islam, to be held November 14.

Come to the International Affairs Association’s table in the McCormack building for more information about the Islam panel discussion, as well as other events. Also at that table, will be information about internships, studying abroad, working abroad, taking classes on campus with an international focus, language labs at UMB, language tutors on campus, and more!

If you have any ideas or would like to help plan this event, or participate, please contact Kelly Tobin at [email protected] and/or Bonnie Jeanne at [email protected]. The International Education Week 2001 website is: http://exchanges.state.gov/iew2001/.