UMass Boston's independent, student-run newspaper

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

Proposal to Make Media Available

Dear Michael,

I read with great interest and dismay your Op-Ed piece in the October 18, 2001 issue of The Mass Media entitled “Cinema Library Windmills”. First of all I apologize for the negative experience you had in the [UMB] library. Your comments have been used to help us revise our training for student assistants in the Circulation and Reserve areas. I appreciate your taking the time to point out these problems.

The lack of videos in the library represents a broader concern, and one that has been a “pet peeve” of mine for several years. That is the lack of access to media resources for students. We are trying to get a media component added to our library services, not only for videos but for music and other media as well. Your piece in The Mass Media is a great help to us in drafting a new version of a proposal to make media widely available to the campus community via the library. I hope we will have success!

Once again, thank you for pointing out these areas of concern. I will be happy to talk to you about them, or about any questions you may have about the library. Please feel free to call me at 7-5910, or email me at [email protected].


Sharon L. Bostick

Director of Libraries