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The Mass Media

What Are We Doing at UMB to Fulfill Our Commitment to the Declaration?

UMB is actually pretty dynamic in the ways it promotes environmental sustainability. Here are just a few examples of UMB environmental organizations, departments, and endeavors:

The Sustainability Network:Comprised of members from Administration and Urban Harbors Institute, both faculty and students from such departments as Environmental Studies, ECOS, Earth and Geographic Sciences, College of Management and a variety of other sources, represent the pulse of environmental activism on campus. Many offer degrees in environmental fields, networking for unceasing avenues of discourse, and provide constant encouragement and invaluable resources for students interested in environmental initiatives while also engaging all issues of campus sustainability.

UMBe Green:The Recycling/Sustainability Program has not only succeeded in reducing campus waste by recycling used materials, it has also worked diligently to “close the loop,” by increasing the usage of such eco-friendly products as recycled paints, recycled carpeting, and even mulch from recycled wooden pallets.

Energy Conversion:UMB Facilities Department is currently in the process of converting its heating system from electricto natural gas, as well as retrofitting all of the light fixtures over campus, and other conservation measures that will make the campus far more energy-efficient!

Green Purchasing:The Purchasing Department at UMB strongly encourages the purchasing of environmentally preferable products from vendors doing business with the state. In addition, a variety of departments within UMB’s Auxiliary Services and Facilities purchase from green vendors and engage in environmentally safe work practices.

Green Chemistry:Dr. John Warner was recently named the new chairperson of the Chemistry Dept. His work on “Green Chemistry” is redefining the way scientists evaluate the toxic byproductscreated by chemical reactions. A new “Green Chemistry” lab was also built incorporatingsustainable considerations.

Project XL:Part of the EPA’s national pilot program for reducing the use of hazardous wastes in laboratories, UMB’s Environmental Health and Safety Department is working with the Univ. of Vermont and Boston College.

Radical Alliance of Green Environmentalists (RAGE):A student organization dedicated to raising awareness of environmental issues thereby creating more globally conscious students.

Like all universities committed to the Talloires Declaration, UMB still has a ways to go toward fulfilling a life-long commitment to sustainability. But all things considered, UMB’s environmental scorecard is looking pretty impressive, and getting better by the day. With a level of commitment and enthusiasm like this, if we don’t watch it, we just might end up setting the sustainability precedent for public universities. Or at least, public universities in Boston ; )