UMass Boston's independent, student-run newspaper

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

Limited Resources Strikes Again

While most of us have probably had never heard of the Academic Quality Assessment and Development (AQAD) reviews, it is obviously useful that these reviews occur. We did well in three of the five reviews. So this is both a day for congratulations and re-evaluation.

On the one hand we commend some programs and urge them to stay the course, on the other we see areas that we know, and, in many instances have known, need improvement. But we also know the financial pressures a state school is under, And the references to limited resources rings true.

One of the points mentioned that is especcially notable is the “potential burnout from teaching overload.” We all have a favorite professor that we know who works a little too hard, and the strength of UMB is its reputation for a dedicated faculty. The treasure of UMass Boston is in danger of being worn away.

While we all see the buildings falling apart, it isn’t always so evident when the people are crumbling. And the people of UMB are really the most valuable part of it. So amid the everyday concerns about the physical plant, let’s take a minute to remember that it’s the faculty who actually educate people.

It has been, and will continue to be, these professors who are the ones that make UMB a great place to get an education despite overcrowded and other financial obstacles.