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Student Senate Elections April 18, 19, and 20


Vote Here: http://site.www.umb.edu/election/

General ElectionsDuring the General Election all matriculated undergraduate students are eligible to vote and elect two representatives from their particular college, as well as a number of at-large representatives (determined by percentage of votes received out of total number of votes cast within the college). All students are eligible to vote for Trustee and referendum questions, regardless of college affiliation. Referenda Questions:

1. “Do you approve of the revised constitution for the Student Government Association?”

2. “Climate Change requires alternative energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Would you support a $5 opt-out fee for the installation of renewable energy on campus?”

3. MASSPIRG is a statewide, student-directed, non-profit, non-partisan, organization which does research, education, service and action on environmental, consumer, energy and hunger-relief issues, MASSPIRG chapters across the state pool resources and hire a staff of professionals to work with students on issues that concern us as citizens. MASSPIRG started in 1972, when students first voted to form and fund a chapter.

“Do you support the continued existence of the MASSPIRG chapter at UMass Boston, funded through a $7 per student, per semester waivable fee?”

This represents a $1 increase in the fee. Any student choosing not to support MASSPIRG may waive the fee.

4. ” Do you think the Healey Library needs to reevaluate the printing policy, increase the number of laptops and labs, and extend the hours of operation during the weekday and weekend?”Candidates for Trustee:Stephen Lucien

Adaku ApugoAs student trustee, my main purpose during my tenure will include but will not be limited to, advocating for more provision and opportunities for international students, increase dialogue among students with the administration in state legislature, and address the current trend of tuition increase.

Michael “Mick” OrdwayAs student trustee, I will represent the interests and concerns of the student body of all colleges at UMass Boston. The board of trustees is the major decision making body at UMB. I am running for this position because the needs and interests of the students are not being addressed.

Aleksander KulenovicShould I be elected Trustee, my priority will be increasing transparency and making sure I am always voting for student interests. I also believe continuing affordability — a fee freeze and drive for more public funds and increasing campus democracy are two issues that must be pushed at the Board.

Candidates for Senate:College of Public and Community ServiceBrian HarveySome of the issues that I intend to focus on if elected are: to continue my efforts to protect CPCS, to work on preventing future drastic tuition and fee hikes, and to improve the administration’s collaborative and listening skills when students voice our concerns.

Milissa GarsideI am a junior at the College of Public and Community Service (CPCS)majoring in Human Services with a concentration in legal advocacy. I am running for the student senate to represent CPCS students on campus. The issues that are of importance to me are: saving CPCS, lowering tuition and fees for all students, and addressing the rights of students with disabilities. Thank you for your time and I look forward to serving on the student senate. Please vote for me!

Sequoia StenlundHello everyone! I hereby state that I will do my very best to make the university a better place for all of you. Don’t believe me? All right! Try me! Call my cell phone here in Boston at: 413-537-2098 or email me directly at:[email protected]

Marybeth GilchristI am enrolled in the College of Public and Community Service’s (CPCS). As a student senator, I would work on important issues such as the cost of higher education and the fight to save CPCS. As a blind woman, I am also concerned with the needs of all disabled students throughout the university.

Adam-Paul Tuzzo

Priscilla WalkerMy name is Priscilla Walker and I’m a Community Planning junior at CPCS. If elected to the Senate I will fight for increased student aid, strive to represent older and disabled students at UMass, and work to help save CPCS. The CPCS method of teaching works and needs to continue.

Karen StramI can no longer sit back and watch while CPCS is hollowed out, sacrificing the good of the community for corporate interests. Life is not about the bottom line. Our public colleges were founded to help the public. Save CPCS, save our best teachers, and lower tuition and fees!

Candidates College of Management:Remy Naomie

Stephen Lucien

Nataly Del Rosario

Loan Ho

Mohamed Mohamed I want to become a senator because I want to be involved in our school. By having a say instead of complaining, I want to be able to make a difference. We know we have a shortage of printers and we also know that our school doesn’t offer many courses during the summer. My mission is to have more printers and more courses.

College of Science and MathematicsVictor Udom

Henry Nsang

Stacey SchwartzI would like to represent the UMB community in the Student Senate. I see it as an opportunity to share and utilize my experience gained by representing UMB at Oxford University where I was immersed in intergovernmental student bodies. I also wish to represent UMB in my activities that provide urban gardens to a low-income area in Boston.

Julio DiazOptimal employment of a senate occurs when it can boast of officers who understand the needs of the diverse student body of UMB. Being a Latino student helps me appreciate the needs and opinions of the vast Latino population of the University. There is a desperate need for a Latino leader in the senate who can embody the voice of Latinos at UMB.

Michelle “Mimie” LaGuerreThe UMB Community is enriched with diverse cultures, committed faculty members and a determined student body. To maintain the integrity of our student organizations, our students must speak out and be heard. If elected, I’ll listen to student voices and act on their behalf, as it is within my power.

Purnima Kompella

Liliana Teixeira

Candidates College of Liberal ArtsColleen McKiernanWith your vote, I will continue to represent your opinions to the Senate as a whole, including controversial issues, such as the state of the garage, the library hours, and the poster policy. When you cast your vote for Student Senate representative, please vote for me. Thank you!

Muna KangsenMy desire to run for the student senate stems from my commitment to the student community of UMB. My interest in running for the student senate emanates from my desire to ensure that UMB never looses track of its urban mission, and continues to adapt the urban mission to the realities of today’s urban condition.

Meaghan BrazellI have greatly enjoyed being a member of the Student Senate. I feel I have fairly represented the interests of the undergraduates at UMB and am proud to have positively contributed to the sense of community developing on campus. I am asking you for the opportunity to continue these efforts.

Aleksander KulenovicGood student representatives need to be able to do three things: to go out of their way to make themselves available to students, to be patient, fair and efficient in making funding decisions, and to take the initiative in bringing student concerns to the administration.

Adaku ApagoAs a representative of the College of Liberal Arts, my main purpose during my tenature will include but will not be limited to, advocating for more provision and opportunities for international students, address the current trend of tuition increase, and also the situation of classes and toilets in the school.

Hermela Aregaw

Shaun AuberzinskiThe Student Senate needs to be a more pro-active voice for students of UMass Boston. Instead of being purely reactionary, we must seek out ways to initiate change and not necessarily accept the status-quo relationship with the institution. If re-elected, I pledge to push for improvement in our school.

Denis Bogere

Fritz Hyppolite

Jethro DelyAs a student senator, I would fight for the students’ needs and interests. I would endeavor to end the ongoing increase in tuition and furthermore attempt to increase UMB’s resources. Such resources as: computers, laptops, volumes of journals, books, maintenance of the buildings are extremely held to low standards or are very scarce.

Margaret GeorgeLeadership is about a number of inherent qualities. The most integral of these qualities is the ability to inspire and the capacity to be inspired. When these two aspects are combined the creative product of what this collaboration affords becomes an unstoppable, irreplaceable persistence to achieve and accomplish what needs to be done. I possess these two inherent qualities and would like to be an unstoppable advocate for the undergraduate needs and whatever needs to be done at our school.

Waundell Jones

Derek Lessard

Taylor FifeAs senator I plan to focus on the bigger issues on campus. Specifically, improving the quality of education available, creating greater awareness of programs that are already offered, and developing a community on campus that all students can feel a part of.

Zipporah Deeble

Spencer LewisTo bring more entertainment to the UMB campus. To implement stronger, more available tutoring service. To be as involved as possible in the campus renovations, sitting in on meetings, offering viewpoints of students, and incorporating students into the renovation process. This is what I hope to accomplish in 2006/2007 if elected.

Kudakwashe MutumbaAs Student Senator representing the College of Liberal Arts, I intend to drastically increase the dialogue between the College Administration and CLA students. Furthermore, I will advocate for increased scholarship opportunities, propose the introduction of a research lab, more prestigious speakers and address the second-rate resources awarded to CLA students.

Thao Lu

Misha Sidorsky I’m hoping to earn a seat in the Student Senate during April elections to see what positive changes I can make in the university’s social mission; specifically, I want to explore ways of utilizing our wonderfully diverse student body in order to promote positive, intellectually stimulating interactions outside the classroom.

Lunel Etienne

Goesch GelawI look forward to serving the student body efficiently and productively. I believe in emphasizing on innovation, unity, teamwork, and social consciousness. The students that comprise this prestigious institution must be treated with the integrity and respect they deserve.

Christopher DudensingAs a UMB four-year-senior, I have observed a rift between most students and the University. If elected, I would work to get students involved in a pro-active campus life, informing them of changes being made that affect their education, and of what they can do to shape their education.

Francisco MelgarMy name is Francisco Melgar, as a freshman, I understand the needs of all UMB students. I will dedicate my time to serve UMB and all the students in this institution. Moreover, my leadership skills will provide Latino students with a delegate they disserve.

Ulisses VarelaAs I seek candidacy for Student Senate, my only hope is to add to the wonderful tradition of diversity the school has sustained throughout the years. My experiences growing up Cape Verdian has shaped me into the individual I am today. Much is owed to my parents as well, they immigrated to this country, took advantage of opportunities presented before them and somehow managed to help me be where I am today. Still my passion for getting involved is what fuels me forward, which in fact is needed during these exciting times.

Robert PascucciUMASS Boston is a Bastion for diversity. I intend to represent such diversity while working hard towards maintaining and improving this university. I am a veteran and a proud parent. I believe my perspective will be a valuable addition to our student senate. I hope to continue developing the opportunities offered by this university and to make those opportunities more available to all.

Andrew DonaldsonAs a senator I have worked hard over these past two semesters to continually improve the sense of community on campus. Serving on the Students Events and Organization Committee has allowed me to do this by funding events that directly benefit the student body and help to make UMB feel less like a commuter school and more like a college campus. If re-elected I will continue the hard work I have done thus far, doing my absolute best to work for you, the students.

Joanna PriftiI have been a student senator for the past year and I wish to continue my works in hopes of bettering the University of Massachusetts, Boston and the affected communities. Thank you.

Michael ShivelyTo work for the student body is to be engaged in student life. After serving on multiple clubs, and after serving on the student senate, my objective is to continue ensuring that all students have a voice that is heard. The University of Massachusetts Boston has a world of opportunity available, and I would like to make it accessible to all.

Tina Seale

Michael MetzgerServing as Student Body Vice-President on a campus without the typical dorm experience, I have come to discover how UMB is developing a unique urban community of scholarship. If re-elected, I will work to continue to develop this community, raising awareness about campus offerings, and advocating for the students interest.