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Haven’t You Heard? Television and Children Don’t Mix


One benefit of engaging with a TV series includes strengthening one’s memory from following a complex story arc.

Where would we be without our childhood memories? They shape who we are today.

A fun part of childhood for many young adults out there was television. Yes folks, the big, shiny box that we spent hours in front of watching our favorite shows. For those who didn’t have the joy or opportunity of having a TV, I truly apologize.

As a ‘90s baby, I remember how “That’s So Raven” brought me laughter and I remember trying so hard to keep up with the songs from “High School Musical.”

Nickelodeon, Sesame Street with my boy Elmo, Barney—that is what life was all about. I remember coming home from school, and after finishing my homework, being able to watch “Teen Titans” and “iCarly.” It allowed me to relax after school. I also learned how to be kind to others and not let negative people kill my vibe. But folks, the times have changed.

Now, critics state that television shows these days are becoming worse and worse for children. They believe parents should lessen the amount of TV their kids watch.

I totally understand that too much of one thing is bad for anyone, but there are many non-educational series that kids can still enjoy. Let’s take a look into what these anti-television fault finders have to say about this growing debate. You never know, these naysayers may just have a valid point.

According to WebMD, the excessive amounts of violence and sexual images on the television are what cause the alarm. To be accurate, almost 61 percent of all TV programming contains violence. Whereas, in the the past, cable TV was more “conservative,” and censored such things.

What was shocking is that children who watch three to four hours of non-educational television will see about 8,000—yes, you read that right, folks—small-screen murders by the time they leave grade school.

Another argument is that parents are concerned their children aren’t spending enough time with them. Children spend almost 6 hours and 32 minutes watching TV or on their phone daily. It was child psychiatrist, Michael Brody, who declared that there have been many research studies that show how TV violence impacts children significantly.

Children soak up information very quickly, so when they watch too much TV, allegedly, it will cause them to replicate the aggressive behavior that they see and, consequently, face sleep disturbances. Yes, these facts are quite alarming, but there are two sides to every story.

Believe it or not, there are researchers who see the upside of TV.


Oh yes, my friend. Here’s what they have to say:

Not only does television educate kids on important values and life lessons, but cultural programming can open up the world of music and art for young people nationwide.

Journalist Jennifer Wagner elaborates on this on her website “Connect With Your Teens.” She discusses how television allows children to discover different cultures and places, even from simple dramas with multicultural characters.

Let’s not forget about shows like “Spongebob Squarepants” and “The Office” that bring us laughter. Yes child, laughter is the best medicine. It increases circulation, lowers blood pressure, and makes one feel good inside.

Other benefits of engaging with a TV series include strengthening one’s memory from being able to follow complex shows such as “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Lost.” And, of course, there are educational channels such as “Discovery” or “Nature Channel” where children can learn about the wildlife in the world around them.

We can’t forget about the holiday shows, either, like “Halloweentown” and “How the Grinch Stole Christmas.” I mean, come on sis—how can you forget about those? Movies like these help bring the family together.

What many people fail to realize is that, yes, some things on television are not suited for children, but kids these days are surrounded by negative influences everywhere—not just on TV.

A prime example of this is social media. From Facebook to Twitter to Instagram, more and more young people are being exposed to new information daily. As a parent, one can only teach their children right from wrong; to not follow everything they see on TV or online. A strong foundation at home will help shape a child into a mature individual.

It’s important for kids to have a well-rounded day, including school, exercise, and homework. But everyone needs a time out of their day to kick back and unwind.

Don’t punish your child by taking television away from them. Everything in life has positives and negatives. However, it’s all about moderation. That’s the key to life.