UMass Boston's independent, student-run newspaper

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

The Mass Media

Letter From The Opinions Editor

In my two semesters of being the Opinions Editor, I have read countless articles. Some, I eagerly agree with. Some, I vehemently disagree with. It is during these times that I have been able to garner exactly the true implications of the First Amendment. Freedom of speech is a glorious thing, indeed. And my section glows with it. Yes, there have been articles in here that I understand may be incendiary, controversial, or likely to offend. But I will defend them. 
I want to make it expressly clear that just because I allow a controversial article to be printed in my section does not mean I myself condone, or hold, such beliefs. More often than not, I disagree with controversial claims. But my disagreement does not prevent me from defending my writers. 
I believe in the power of discussion, and I do not think it is the mark of a mature individual to close themselves off from the opposite side of thought. Disagreement exercises the mind, for it forces you to question your own resolves, reconsider elements of arguments you hadn’t thought of before, or even cement your own argument. A person walks away from a debate sharper than when they entered. I encourage responses in my section for this reason. It is the mark of any good writer to diligently read a response to their article and reformulate their argument. It spawns more intellect, and debate is nothing if not a volley of intellect. 
Opinions is, by nature, designed to be a debate between individuals. It is these debates that make me proud to call myself the Opinions Editor because it means individuals are engaging, not distancing themselves. 
My job as the editor of this section is to ensure that various arguments receive a medium while being immaculate. I do not endorse a belief or argument if it is printed in my section. It is my duty to uphold free speech, and I take this duty very seriously. After all, a wise individual once said, “I may not agree with what you’re saying, but I will defend to death your right to say it” (1).
(1) https://quoteinvestigator.com/2015/06/01/defend-say/