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The Mass Media

The Mass Media

How left is too far left?

Recently, at a Democracy Alliance in Washington D.C, Former President Obama warned Democratic primary candidates to avoid being “too far left” in their proposals of policy. Of course, it is easy to see to whom Obama was referring; with the Democratic primary race becoming ever more heated, two candidates can only be seen as being “radical” or “too far left.” 

Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren have both established themselves as candidates that advocate for a complete renovation of the political system. Warren’s plan to forgive college debt in a disgustingly-dedicated capitalist country has the masses shocked. Sanders’ championing of the universal healthcare model, a model that most Western countries have already implemented, is radically new to the U.S. Indeed, it is quite obvious to whom Obama was referring to. 

I adore Obama, despite the imperialist tendencies he exhibited during his presidency, but I must disagree with him. I understand that Obama is a realist, and that he is warning the Democratic party to stay realistic within the realms of policies that could conceivably be accepted by the American public, but I also believe that a societal revolution is long overdue. It is high time we reevaluate the systems in place that are essentially weakening Americans. The universal healthcare model isn’t the scary and monstrous entity that capitalism has caused us to believe it is. Rather, it is a system that champions every American and advocates for the basic right to medical care. The forgiveness of student debt wouldn’t be that detrimental to the economy. Rather, in a nation where it is normal to hand over 15K-100K for school, it is high time we abandon our complacency with the exorbitant cost of education, and see education for the human right it is. 

Obama did say that “the average American doesn’t think we have to completely tear down the system and remake it” (1), but the average liberal does. I understand the importance of compromise in politics, but really, both sides are guilty of avoiding compromise. Republicans will never bend for Democrats, and Democrats will never bend for Republicans. It is the stubborn clinging to ideals that causes compromise to become nigh impossible, especially with the continued existence of parties that continue to polarize. I understand that politics often demands realism, but at the root of all political ideology is idealism. 

And herein lies the conflict: does politics have room for compromise, even if a societal revolution is in order? Should Democrats envision policies that are not too left? I don’t believe so. We are past the age of compromise, the age of Obama, and the age where polarization was nonexistent. It is high time we cease burying our idealism under the concept of realism. I will hold onto my own idealism like precious gems. Yes, I may be accused of being too far left, but that is a small price to pay.

Besides, if it’s too far left to see the ceasing tyranny of corporations, then maybe I am too far left. If it’s too far left to see the mass populace lose the disgusting grip of rifles, then maybe I am too far left. If it’s too far left to forgive the exorbitant cost of college, then maybe I am too far left. If it’s too far left to see that medical care is within reach of every American, then maybe I am too far left. Keep jesting, but I’ll wear that brand with pride.

(1) https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/16/obama-warns-democrats-against-going-too-far-left.html