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The Mass Media

Ginger Crisp Cookies

Ginger Crisp Cookies

There’s no better holiday recipe than ginger crisp cookies from my grandmother and namesake, Claire Sheehan’s Aunt Flora. Straight from her index card of recipes, I’ve put down how to do it step by step.

Making these are a staple to my memories with my grandmother, who I lovingly call Mamie. She’s not dead but when she is I’ll remember them even more fondly. When I was a little girl, she’d set me on the linoleum countertop and have me measure out the flour and other dry ingredients. We made all sorts of cookies and treats but this one always struck out as the tastiest and the easiest. 

When talking to her about the recipe, her memory went to her cousin Judy’s time in the hospital. She told me how’s Judy’s eyes lit up when she tasted the cookies. “They taste just like my mother’s!” After telling Judy it was indeed her late mother’s recipe, flu-ridden Judy wept at the thought. 

Now, these cookies are the best edition to any holiday party. Whether you’re baking them or eating them, you won’t be disappointed by their turnout and neither will your guests! I’ve doubled the recipe below to make sure you get a good yield. 

Ginger Crisp Cookies:

Ingredients for two dozen cookies:

1 ½ cups margarine

2 cups sugar

2 eggs

½ cup molasses

4 cups sifted flour

4 tsp baking soda

2 tsp ginger

1 tsp salt


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F

  2. Cream the shortening

  3. Add sugar gradually

  4. Beat eggs

  5. Add molasses

  6. In a separate bowl sift in flour, baking soda, salt, ginger

  7. Add to wet ingredients

  8. Roll in balls the size of small walnuts

  9. Dip/roll in sugar

  10. Place on a baking sheet two inches apart

  11. Bake 8-10 minutes

  12. Afterwards, pull out and put on a wire rack to cool

Good luck and happy holidays!