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The Mass Media

The Mass Media

How to survive the isolation of social distancing

As each day passes, it seems the social distance that is required to contain COVID-19 is getting more and more difficult. It can be very isolating and easy to feel alone while we battle this virus overtaking our country and our world. As much as we all like our alone time, I don’t think many people expected to get sick of it so quickly. We’re all bored with nothing to do, nowhere to go, and no one to talk to. Luckily, we live in an age of technology which allows us to connect with our friends digitally, but I think we can all agree it is simply not the same. However, just because this pandemic is happening does not mean that you have to be miserable and depressed while stuck inside your house. Here are some things that you can do next time you’re bored with nothing to do in isolation to help get your mind off of the craziness that is surrounding us.

  1. Start a new hobby

I think everyone will suggest this first and foremost, but there really is no better time to try something new. What is there to lose? You could find a new love for something you had no idea you were any good at. I went to a local goodwill and found art supplies and a book on how to paint, so that will be my first project to learn while I stay in my house these upcoming weeks. Going online and ordering second-hand items such as art supplies, books, instruments or anything else you want to learn to use, from others can help our economy stay flowing through this isolation.

  1. Go through your belongings

Now is a great time to go through your closet and get rid of belongings you no longer need or want. Because not many people are able to work right now, cash can be tight. To make some extra money, try listing some gently used items for sale online. Otherwise, you can donate to your local thrift store to help those in need during this trying time. It will be nice to clear up space in your closet and it also will benefit others to do so. If you are going to donate or sell clothes, you should wash everything before giving it to someone else. I say this not because the germs can stay living on the clothing fabric, but because it is such a scary, unknown territory we are living in now and it is just considerate to do so.

  1. Self care

This is a stressful time for everyone right now. Even if we personally are not at risk, we all know someone who is. It is important to remember to take care of yourself during this pandemic, even if that means simply taking a bubble bath or doing a face mask. Relaxation is key to keeping yourself sane while being locked inside your house for weeks. Light a candle, put on your favorite comedy movie, and try to focus on what is happening here and now. Practicing mindfulness can be very beneficial to calm anxiety and can help us in refocusing our attention on something other than what is going on around us. 

Many of us have the feeling that we need to constantly be doing something productive and can’t simply take time to relax and focus on ourselves. However, we need that alone time now more than ever. You are not a failure because you are staying in bed watching Netflix, or because you didn’t release a book or launch a website while stuck inside your house. It is okay to let the world be on pause for a moment and to allow ourselves a break from the daily pressures of life and simply breathe.

About the Contributor
Grace Smith, Editor-in-Chief