Leisure, leisure, leisure in a time of stress and schoolwork. You’re no longer commuting to work and school so think of all that extra time up for grabs right now! Here’s a short list of things to help up your social distancing game.
For number one: Put down the phone. If you’re waiting on that text, they would’ve gotten back to you by now. It’s far too easy to just keep scrolling through heated politics on twitter or “until tomorrow” posts on Instagram; but don’t you need an excuse to get away from social media? Or even an excuse to get away from your email?
Here’s your solution: go outside! This is a time of stress for everybody. Getting away from your family or even roommates is a needed asset to life at this time. So, take a walk around the block, go for a run, or longboard or skateboard your neighborhood. Better yet, find your old sporting equipment from your childhood or teenage years and use that for like an hour outside everyday. I unearthed all my lacrosse equipment and have been using my rebounder net in the backyard. I’ve also been using my excess time to longboard all the hills in my neighborhood. Exercise is very good for your mental—and physical—health. Last thing to do outside, if you have a yard: garden! Spring is here so use your time to clear out all the leaves and dead material around your budding plants.
For number two: Set a routine for yourself! Find a time to wake up in the morning, set apart time to eat, to do your classwork, to do your job, but also make time for your new found leisure activities. This may be a no-brainer but when you get up in the morning, at your set time, actually get dressed, take a shower, do your makeup if you like doing so, eat! Act like we’re not in panic mode right now. Try to keep that routine you set up for yourself.
Number three: Pick up a hobby from things laying around. Anyone can start doodling with just a pencil. Better yet, see if there’s any knitting, crocheting, or sewing supplies lying around and make something that will make you or someone else smile.
Number four: Play your old (or new!) instruments for a change. I play flute, piano, trombone, banjolele, ukulele, melodica, and I’m taking this time to re-learn the harmonica. I’m horrible at the guitar but I just might try to learn again. Google is at your fingertips, so why not utilize it?
Number five: Rearrange and clean your room! If you don’t want to try any of these other ideas, there’s always sprucing up your living space. Try dusting, sweeping, vacuuming, disinfecting/wiping down surfaces—I bet a lot of places haven’t seen a duster in ages. Be ready for all the moved dust though and a couple days of sneezing. You might even find things you can do by yourself. Remember if you live with someone, ask them first before moving things around.
Number six: This is for the ones with a car—go for a drive! Blast that music with the windows down. Gas is wicked cheap right now so get out there and drive to the beach or your favorite spot to watch the sunset.
Number seven: Skype or FaceTime your friends. It’s a lonely time right now so make sure you reach out! You don’t know who may need it—it could be you!
We don’t have to lose our way of life totally. It’s hard to keep up our mental health through this all but if you find things to do, and I hope this list helps, you can keep up the normalcy of daily living and it will be easier to get back in the swing of things once the pandemic is under control.