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The Mass Media

The Mass Media

The science behind the “truth booth”

If you’ve been scrolling through Netflix recently, you’ve probably stumbled upon the MTV reality series “Are You The One?” This show basically follows the concept of the U.K reality show “Love Island,” except it is a lot more dramatic. In this show, 20 people (10 guys and 10 girls) are sent to an island in Hawaii in attempt to find love. This show is a lot more about finding love: it’s about finding your perfect match. The one who you are destined to spend the rest of your life with. Throughout this show, the contestants are constantly given the opportunity to mingle with one another, and possibly even couple up. 
Towards the end of the week the contestants are all joined together, and they choose who they wish to couple up with. Seems pretty easy right? 
Nope. Behind the contestants are 10 beams of lights. After locking in their answer on a machine, all of the couples must stand back, and watch the lights turn on or not. If all 10 lights turn on, this means that all of the couples have found their perfect match and $1,000,000 is split among all of the contestants. If not, this means that not all the couples have found their perfect match. And to even make things more difficult the contestants are not told whether they are in the right couple or not, so they must decide for themselves whether they want to stick with who they’re with, or if they wish to recouple with someone else. 
The days that are leading up towards the recoupling night are filled with different competitions. The competitions tend to have four lucky winners, and whoever wins gets to choose who they want to go on a date with. While some of the contestants are out on a date, the other contestants are given the opportunity to vote which couple they want to send to the truth booth. The truth booth is basically a room, where the couples enter it, and they get scanned. A screen in front of them says whether this couple is a match or not, and it’s up to the couple to decided if they want to stick together despite them not being a match, or if they want to mingle with other contestants. Which brings me to the question that I’ve been wondering about the entire time I’ve been watching this show. What or who decides whether the couples are match or not, and on what base is this decision made? 
Therefore, I decided to investigate for myself the whole aspect behind the show “Are You The One? ”
Apparently, before the show all of the contestants go through various steps and tests before being dropped off at the island. One of these steps is some quite intensive interviews. The contestants are asked about their past relationships and how they were like by the “matchmakers” of the show. Instead of just asking the contestants about their own past relationships, the matchmakers of the show go beyond, to ask their family and friends who that person really is, what their personality is like, and how where their previous relationships. The executive producer of the show, Tiffany Williams, informed Entertainment Tonight that “the matchmakers got pretty deep into all of these contestants and their family, friends, and exes. All that information was combined and analyzed.” (1). After all this information is collected they get with one another, and create some kind of algorithm that either connects or disconnects the contestants from one another.
Although this was a really fun and addicting show to watch, I’m not so sure about the whole aspect behind it, because if you think about it, should a match making system really override love and people’s true feelings for one another?