At a traditional college, most seniors spend their days preparing for graduate programs or jobs, while peppering in some studying and, of course, maintaining their social lives while they still can. As most students at the University of Massachusetts Boston may know, undergraduates to graduates, freshmen to seniors, programming for this campus can be difficult. It always seems like there’s nothing to do but go to class, maybe go to the gym, go to the cafeteria, and then go home. While we do have a resident programming council, the Student Arts and Events Council—which I should fully disclose that I am a paid coordinator of—and many student clubs and organizations that work very hard to bring fun and educational programming to UMass Boston, it still feels as though I hear the constant chatter of students saying there’s nothing to do throughout the day.
With programming boards and student centers we still find ourselves with low attendance at events, and students still find themselves stuck with nothing to do throughout their breaks on campus. So now that we’ve found ourselves in this conundrum, how does one facilitate the conversation between programmers and attendees? Essentially, how does one program for a program-less campus? The current thought process is that we, at SAEC, look at things that other colleges are doing for programming and try to work within our budget. Similarly, the student centers like Casa Latinx, the Women’s Center, and the Black Student Center will host events that are unique to their center’s educational and social mission and demographic. Events will be put together, posters created and hung up, and social medias updated. Even all of us here at The Mass Media have spent our usual Monday meetings doing outreach and physically tracking the campus handing out materials to raise awareness of our existence, and yet both attendance and campus morale still seem to be quite low.
Past events that SAEC has run, from the fall semester’s student barbecue and movie night to the Spring Ball, larger more notorious events seem to always draw a crowd, but what can be done to also attract crowds on campus on a regular basis? UMass Boston, I’m writing this not to raise awareness of my own or other organization’s events, but rather to ask what can be done to better advertise or even to better program to fit the needs of this specific campus.
You see, we are not, in fact, a program-less school. We are a thriving university with many different aspects of social and educational life intertwining in every corner of this campus. While we’re unfortunately financially unable to plan a fantastic concert with Beyoncé as the headliner, we are within our budget to do other events that would benefit the entirety of the student body. All we need is a little help figuring out what you guys, the student body, would enjoy going to! UMass Boston already offers wonderful educational opportunities, but we need to work together if we’d like to also offer stellar social opportunities. So, tell us. What would *you* like to see happen on campus?
Programming on a Program-less Campus?
By By Jessica Gorrell
April 3, 2018