We are not professionals. We are students looking to help fellow students in their time of need. Sometimes we will both work together on a question, or split the questions amongst ourselves.
Dear Jade,
My long-distance boyfriend is acting distant with me (pun intended) while i’m here in Boston at school. When he wants, he shows me affection and love. When I ask for some affection, it’s like talking to a brick wall. I decided to go on a “break” while he’s in Montana and I’m in Dorchester. Then, he asked me when he should book his ticket out here. I mean, we just went on a break. Why would he ask me when to book his ticket?
-Confused Lover
Dear Confused Lover,
Love is confusing, as you already know. Does he have friends here in Boston? Maybe he’s asking you for the best times to book his ticket. Have you tried talking to him about the “break” in detail? Try setting up parameters for the break. Let him know what you want and what your intentions are. This way, there’s no confusion whatsoever about how you feel. Wishing you the best out there in “single land”!
Dear Jack,
My girlfriend broke up with me on Valentine’s Day. Can you believe that? What evil person does that? Anyway, while I was at home mourning the end of our union, I saw on Snapchat that she was out with her friends for a “Gal-entine Date.” Guess who else was in the Snap? Her ex! How could she do this to me? Am I overreacting? Do I need a chill pill? Please help!
-Stressed Ex
Dear Stressed Ex,
Take a breath! Now I’m not sure how long you were in the relationship for, but if your girlfriend broke up with you, surely you saw it coming! I suggest you take a break from social media and live your best life. Go out there and treat yourself to an expensive haircut, go shopping, take yourself out on a belated Valentine’s Day date, or, if your funds call for it, take a trip over spring break. You will thank yourself later for it. Get out of your mind. What’s done is done. If your girlfriend ended things with you, you need to respect that she no longer wants to be in the relationship with you. Like Jade said to Confused Lover, I wish you the best out there in “single land.”
Dear Jade,
A long time friend of mine mailed me gifts for Valentine’s Day. I did a little research and found out that the gifts cost $100. The problem is that I only see him as a friend and have no romantic feelings towards him. I don’t want him to get the wrong idea but I also don’t want to hurt his feelings. How do I tell him that I only see him as a friend without making him feel bad?
-Just Friends
Dear Just Friends,
I’m going to be straight with you. You need to let him know that you’re not interested. We’re all college students here, which means that we’re all also pretty broke. That was a lot of money to spend on someone that’s not interested in you on the most romantic day of the year! Give him the courtesy of letting him know you’re not interested in him romantically but still value his friendship. It’s going to hurt his feelings regardless, but at least this way, he’ll know the truth. Good luck!
Jack and Jade
By By Jack and Jade
February 16, 2018