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The Mass Media

UMass Boston Wins Award for Internationalization

This month, the Association of International Educators NAFSA (formerly known as the National Association of Foreign Student Advisors) awarded the University of Massachusetts Boston with the Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization.

According to NAFSA’s official website, it rewards universities and colleges for their effort in “making significant, well-planned, well-executed, and well-documented progress toward comprehensive internationalization.”

Furthermore, the award is given to schools engaged in ”innovative and creative approaches” to achieve this goal.

The award is inspired by the late Senator of Illinois Paul Simon. Throughout his career, he emphasized the importance of exposing students to international environments, thus providing them with needed opportunities.

Months before his death in 2003, Simon worked on convincing the federal government to provide fellowships for U.S. students for education abroad.

Each year, the largest non-profit organization dedicated to international education and exchange is chosen by NAFSA. They then choose a maximum of five schools for their comprehensive award. These institutions have shown an overall implementation of principles in all aspects of the university.

However, NAFSA also picks three schools for the Spotlight Award. In contrast to the first one, the schools receive it when they meet the requirements in a specific area of internationalization.

Apart from UMass Boston, three other institutions also received the comprehensive award: the College of William & Mary, New York Institute of Technology, and University of Tampa.

Additionally, East Carolina University, Texas Tech University, and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill were presented with the Spotlight Award.

The winning universities will be featured in an annual report titled “Internationalizing the Campus Report: Profiles of the Success at Colleges and Universities” by NAFSA later this year.

NAFSA will send journalists to the campus’ in order to learn more about the institution’s efforts and activities. According to the website, the study serves as a tool for campus-based international educators to bring their message to other educators, schools, and policymakers regarding the importance of an international education.

The awarded institutions will be presented in Washington, D.C. in November during International Education Week, hosted by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

With this award, UMass Boston follows in the footsteps of many Boston-area universities like MIT, Boston College, Berklee College of Music, Northeastern University, and Babson College.