The sound of devastated liberals shuffling toward Canada echoes across the Great Plains as the GOP plans for a contested conventions in Cleveland have now been relegated to a no-contest finish. Belated efforts to stall, delay, and ultimately divide and conquer the remaining delegates to stop Trump from reaching the magic number of 1237 delegates to secure the nomination never got off the ground.
This is undoubtedly attributed to the varying degrees of media scrutiny facing Trump. At his announcement speech, the narrative was dismissive and indifferent toward any possibility of the campaign being anything other than a publicity stunt. Then, a contingency of “disrespected” voters began to swell. Trump was considered beyond the pale of legitimacy, up until the New York primary voting, when Trump’s lead then began to grow. Hostility met Trump soon after via a large protest at every rally and in certain media circles, extending to the corpse of Mitt Romney having about as much of a political roast as we may ever see. Which only seemed to ignite Trump’s supporters.
In a series of events everyone saw coming, the locust swarming of establishment goons marching against the most vociferous anti-establishment candidate and supporters backfired. What finally forced the Cruz campaign to plummet into its nadir at the crucial last leg of the race was the poor voter turnout with an already short-staffed evangelical demographic, and widespread disdain for career politicians were the second and third leading factors toward Cruz’s failed campaign. The first, of course, being Donald Trump.
Cringe-watching Ted Cruz prematurely announce Carly Fiorina as his running mate certainly put the current political climate in clear view. Essentially, as I understand it, Americans are dissatisfied with the status-quo—yet somehow, the Cruz campaign was puzzlingly tone-deaf throughout. The campaign was on the ropes, guaranteed victories not coming to fruition, losing to a candidate whose battle cry was #CuckTheVote, and he trots out Carly Fiorina? First of all, Ted Cruz interacts with women with the same bumbling terror kids have with a mall Santa.
It is very strange, really—but the point still remains: Cruz never established an olive branch to the majority of disenfranchised voters. A country fatigued of perpetual Middle East involvement doesn’t want to hear “of making the sand glow.” The correct response is apparently torturing the family members of alleged terrorists. Nine months of “this is exactly the response Trump wants, don’t react,” reactions later and here we are.
The only constant: everyone you ask saying they hate Hillary Clinton as she giggles her way to a nomination.
Trump Sinks Cruz Like a Ship
By Abdeljaber M Razzaq
May 9, 2016